Ossulstone Hundred
Hundred in the County of Middlesex
Historical Forms
- Osulvestan(e) 1086 DB
- Osolvistan 1172 P
- Osolvestan 1235 Ass
- Osulfestan 1167,1168 P
- Osolvestone, Osulveston, Osolston 1274 Ass
- Oselston 1290 Ipm
- Ossulston 1610 Speed
- lez Osilston Pyttes 1484 Gatty
- Osolston 1614 ib
- Acton(e) 1181 StPaulsDB 1232 Cl
- Acton juxta Braynford 1294 Ass
- Aketon 1211 Cur 1213 Abbr 1316 Ch
- Chirche Acton 1347 FF
- Churche Acton 1551 ib
- Aghton' 1398 Works
- Bolhollane 1408 Ct
- Greene Layne 1551 Lysons
- Acton Vale 1819 G
- Bolebregge 1229–39 StPaulsCh
- Bolholbregge c.1470 Ct
- Estacton 1294 Ass 1412 FF
- Estactongrene 1474 Ct
- Fryers Place 1680 S
- old oake lande, common called Old Oake 1650 Feret
- Eldeholt 1380 Cl
- Oldeholte t.Hy5 Ct
- Wails Farm 1819 G
- Whales 1822 O.S.
- Blithehale 13th ADi
- Blithenhale in Stebenhethe 1341 ADii
- Blythenhale 1389 FF
- Blethenalegrene 1443 Ct
- Blethenall Grene 1550 Pat 1565 PCC
- Blithnall Grene 1563 SR
- Bletenhall grene 1592,1600 SR
- Bednalgrene 1568 FF
- Blethenell Grene al. Bednall Grene 1569 FF
- Bethnall al. Bednall grene 1576 StPaulsMSS
- Bed(d)nol(l)greene 1600,1602 Sess
- Bethnal Greene 1657 ib
- Bethnoll Greene 1664 ib
- Bednall Green 1680,1710 S
- Bi(s)shops Hall 1495 ECP 1542 RobinsonH 1592 PCC
- Bushopes Hall 1535 VE
- Byshops Hall 1703 Gascoyne
- Bonners Hall 1745 R
- Bishop Bonners Hall 1808 Cary
- (super) co pasture que vocatur Camprichthesheth, Camprichesheth 1275 RH
- Centweald, Centa (LVD), cæntinces treow 692 BCS
- Austin Street 1703 Gascoyne
- Austins Street 1746 R
- An(c)kor Street 1682 Morgan 1698 ParReg
- Anchor Street 1703 Gascoyne
- Cock Lane 1538 ShoreSurv 1746 R
- Dog Row 1662 ParReg
- The Dogg Row 1729 ib
- Bethnal Green 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Church Row 1799 Horwood
- Cock Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1720 Strype
- rue de Cloberout 1700 ParRegFr
- Crabtree Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Crabtree Row 1799 Horwood
- York Street 1676 ParReg 1746 R
- Old York Street 1799 Horwood
- Gibraltar 1746 R
- Globe Lane 1708 Hatton
- Theven lane c.1600 LMxASvi
- Theeving Lane 1703 Gascoyne
- Back Lane 1831 Elmes
- Drift Way 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- The road to Hackney 1703 Gascoyne
- Collyers Lane 1550 Survey
- Colier Lane c.1600 LMxASvi
- Haresmershe 1541 FF
- Haresmarshe 1542 RobinsonH
- Haremarsh(e) 1579 Ipm 1746 R
- Old Ford Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1745 R
- Nicholstreet, Nicholas Street 1697 ParReg
- Nicolls Street 1703 Gascoyne
- Old Nichol Street, New Nichol Street 1746 R
- Rushy Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1720 Strype
- Slaughter Street 1799 Horwood
- Slater 1659 ShoreSurv
- Three Colt Yard 1746 R
- Castle Street 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Swan Fields 1746 R
- Caelichyth 799–802 BCS201
- Celichyð 816 11th ib
- Celchyth 789 10th ib
- (æt) Cealchyþe 785 ASC c.900
- Cealchithe 1071–5 Reg
- Chilcheþe, Chilcheheþe 1042–66 WAM 13th
- Chilc(he)hethe 1270,1315,1324 FF 1274 Ass
- Chilchenheth ib.
- Chelched 1086 DB
- Chelchud 1197 FF
- Chelchee 1214 Cur
- Chelchehethe, Chelchethe 1231 FF 1428 FA
- Chulcheth(e), Chircheheth 1274 Ass
- Chelchuthe 1300 Pap
- Chelchehuth(e), Chelchhuth(e) 1316 FA 1333,1347 FF 1341 NI 1382 ADi
- Chelchuythe 1524 SR
- Chelch(e)hith 1309 FF 1482 PCC
- Chilchith 1319 Londin
- Chels(e)hithe 1499 FF 1539 AD
- Chelceheyth 1519 FF
- Chelcehith 1523 FF
- Chelshith 1535 VE
- Chelsey(e) 1523,1528 FF
- Chelseghe ib.
- Chelsyth al. Chelsey 1556 FF
- Chelsey al. Chelchithe 1583 Recov
- Chilcy 1655 ParReg(Kensington)
- Chelsea 1754 R
- Little Chelcy 1655 ParReg(Kensington)
- Lickle, Leckle Celsey 1659 ib
- Little Chilcy 1661 ib
- Little Chelsey 1663 Pepys'Diary
- Hob Lane 1620 FaulknerCh
- Beaufort Row 1794 Horwood
- Beaufort Street 1741–5 R
- Blacklands Lane 1794 Horwood 1815 FaulknerCh
- Blacklands House 1717 MapCh
- Blacklande, Blakelandes 1544 Survey
- Great Cheyne Row 1708 Beaver 1808 Cary
- Cheyne Row 1815 FaulknerCh
- Church Lane 1698 FaulknerCh
- the Road to the Cross Tree 1717 MapCh
- Queen Street (ib.)
- Robinson's Lane 1794 Horwood
- The Pound Lane 1741–5 R
- highway leading to Fulham Ferry 1679 FaulknerCh
- The King's High Way from Chelsea to London 1620 FaulknerCh
- The King's Private Road 1717 MapCh 1808 Cary
- The King's Road 1746 R
- lez lotte 1544 Survey
- le lottes 1544 Ct
- quatuor parcell' prati voc. lez Lottez 1557 Pat
- The Lots 1815 FaulknerCh c.1840 TA
- Chesham St (ib.)
- Mil(l)man's Row 1789 FaulknerCh 1815 ib
- Bull Walk 1799 Horwood
- Lord Wharton's Park 1717 MapCh
- Lovers Walk ib.
- Pavilion Street 1815 FaulknerCh
- Pond Place 1829 FaulknerCh
- Queens Tree 1586 Beaver
- Queen Elm 1687 ib
- the Cross Tree 1717 MapCh
- Paradise Row 1717 MapCh 1831 Elmes
- Green's Row 1794 Horwood
- Smith 1794 FaulknerChii,216
- Way between the Pales 1717 Map
- Stonybridge 1544 Survey
- Gillingas 693–704 StPaulsCh 17th
- Gillinges t.Hy3 StPaulsMSS
- Ilingis c.1127 StPaulsMSS
- Yllinges 1163–88 1236 Cl
- Illinges t.John ADii
- Yllingges 1306 Londin
- Illing' 1130 P
- Yllingg(e) 1291 FF 1308 Pat 1309 StPaulsMSS
- Chircheyllinge 1274 Ass
- Illingg' 1294 ib
- Cherche-ʒillyng 1393 Ct
- Gilling 1243 Pat 1244–6 FF
- Gillingg' 1274 Ass
- Gillynge 1314 Pat
- Gyllyngg(e) 1294 Ass 1327 Banco
- Yilling(g) 1294 Ass 1312 FF 1316 FA
- Yillyng(ge) 1307 Inqaqd 1348,1356 FF 1399 Pat
- Ʒillyng 1393 Ct
- Ʒilling 1548 BM
- Ʒillynggrene 1393 Ct
- Yellyng(e) 1307 Ch 1341 NI 1400 Pat 1441,1468 FF 1535 VE
- Ʒellingfelde 1452 BM
- Yelyng 1512 FF
- Elyng 1553 FF
- Elyng al. Yelyng 1566 ib
- Yelyng al. Illyng 1563 FF
- Yelyng al. Ealyng 1564 ib
- Eelinge 1615 Sess
- Ealing al. Yealing 1622 BM
- Thieving Lane 1741–5 R
- Hanger Hill Lane ib.
- Popelane 1423 Ct
- Popes Lane c.1840 TA
- Reddings c.1840 TA
- Drum Lane 1741–5 R
- Windmill Lane ib.
- Drayton 1387 Works
- Drayton in parochia de Ʒillyng 1393 Ct
- Dreyton 1494 ib
- Forthehoke 1462 Ct
- Fordhook 1754 Walford
- Gounyldebury 1334 Pat
- Gunnyldesbury 1348,1390 FF
- Gunnyldesbery 1377 IpmR
- Gonyldesbury 1380 BM
- Gonelsbury 1487 Ipm
- Gonelbury otherwise Goneldisbury 1531 FF
- Gunnersbury 1593 N
- Gunsbury 1651 Cai
- Gunnalsbury 1682 Morgan
- le Hangrewode 1393 Ct
- Aungrewode t.Hy5 ib
- Hangar wood 1539 LP
- Northfeld 1455 Ct
- le Nether, le over north(e)feld 1459 ib
- Putleshangre 1222 StPaulsDB 1294 Ass
- Puttelleshangre 1236 StPaulsCh
- Putteleshangre 1274 Ass
- Pittleshangre 1294 GDR
- Peteleshangre 1408 Ct
- Pytteshangre 1493 Ct
- Pitch Hanger 1819 G
- Castlebeare 1675 Ogilby
- Castle Beare 1680 S
- Ʒyllyngdeyn 1456 Ct
- Little Yelling 1650 FF
- London Stile 1741–5 R
- West(y)illing 1234 StPaulsCh 1287 FF
- Westyellyng 1408 ib
- Finchelee, Fincheleya c.1208,1213–16 StPaulsCh
- Finchel' 1230 FF
- Fincheleye 1258,1272 FF 1273 Pat
- Finchelee 1274 Ass
- Fincheley 1428 FA
- Vynchelay 1407 Pat
- Finchesleg' 1235 Ass 1483 FF
- Finchingeleye 1260 FF
- Fynchingley al. Fynchley 1581 SR
- Fyncheley al. Frynchesley 1547 FF
- Bal(l)ardeslane t.Hy5 Ct 1524 ADvi
- Netherstrete 1448 Cl
- Godereshill t.Hy4 Ct
- Moss Hall 1696 HornseyCt
- place…called Colefall 1599 Sess 1666 HornseyCt
- Coldharbour 1675 Ogilby
- Estend 1558 FF
- Follow Corner 1680 S 1686 M
- Fallow 1710 S
- Vinisbir' 1231 FF
- Vinesbir' 1235 Ass
- Vinesbur' 1275 RH
- Vinesbyri 1288 StPaulsMSS
- Vinesbury 1397 IpmR 1406 Pat
- Wynesbury 1391 Pat
- Finesbir' 1235 Ass 1475 FF
- Soka de Fynisbyr' 1274 Ass
- Fynesbury Soken 1294 ib
- Fynesbury or Haliwelle 1347 Pat
- Fyn(n)ebyr' 1253 FF 1274 Ass
- Halywell al. Vynesbury 1406 Pat
- Fynnesbury, Fenysbury 1535 VE
- Fynnesburye feilde 1564 Hust
- The New Artillery Garden 1677 OandM
- Bonhilles 1544 LP
- Bonhil Field 1567 Survey
- Bunne Hill 1615 Sess
- Tindals Burying Ground 1746 R
- le Charthous next Smythfeld 1375 Hust
- Charterhous 1385 ib
- (juxta) fontem clericorum c.1145 Clerkenwell
- Monasterium sanctimonialium Fontis Clericorum 1145–50 BM
- Clerkenewella c.1152 Hornsey
- Monialibus de fonte Clericorum c.1170 StPaulsCh
- Clerechenewella c.1175 BM
- villa de Clerkenewelle 1190 Hornsey
- Clerkenewell' 1198 Cur 1211,1236 FF 1274 Ass
- Clerekenewelle 1242 Fees 1254,1271 FF 1274 Ass
- Clerconwell 1399 Hust
- Clarkynwell 1551 FF
- Clarkenwell 1603 Stow
- Fackeswell, Skinnereswell 1197 FF
- Fageswelle c.1190 RecStBarts
- Scinnereswelle, Skinnereswelle, Fageswelle c.1200 Clerkenwell
- Faggeswell 1244 RecStBarts
- Skynnereswelle 1385 LBk
- Hockley Hole 1654 PCC
- Hocklee in the Hole 1667 Sess
- Hocley in the hole 1667 ParReg
- Hocley the hole 1674 ParReg
- Hockly i' th' Hole 1722 ib
- (The) Mount Mill 1682 Morgan 1700 Sess 1720 ParReg
- Mount Myllefeild 1573 Sess
- Allen streete 1681 ParReg
- Ellin street 1731 ib
- Allen 1641 Sess
- Ailsbury street 1716 ParReg
- Noble Street 1732 PC 1746 R
- Pesthouse Row and Ratcliff Row 1746 R
- Barkly Street 1723 ParReg
- Brick Lane 1682 Morgan 1746 R
- Chysel strate 13th StPaulsMSS
- Cheselstrete 1458 FF
- Chiswell Str t.Eliz Agas
- Royal Row 1746 R
- Cold Bath Field 1721 ParReg
- Cumpton streete 1695 ParReg
- Cumton streete 1696 ib
- Codpeece Roe 1669 ParReg
- Codpeese Roe 1673 ib
- Codpece Roe 1677 ib
- Codpiss Row 1691 ib
- Cotpis Row 1724 ib
- Coppice Row 1726 ib
- Corporation Lane 1683 ParReg
- Cowcrosse strete 1553 FF
- Kowecrosse 1437 ib
- Cowe Crosse 1438 ib
- King Street 1723 ParReg 1746 R
- The Rope Walk 1732 PC 1746 R
- Goldyng lane t.Ed1 StPaulsMSS
- Goldeslane 1274 Ass
- Golden lane 1317 Hust
- Goldenelane 1320 Ass
- Goldynglane 1324 Hust 1342 Ass 1358 Cl
- Goldynggeslane 1361 Hust
- Goldelane 1369 Pat
- Goswellestrete 1393 LBk
- Godewell(e) 1197 FF c.1200 Clerkenwell
- Gosewell' c.1200 StPaulsCh
- aqua que vocatur Gosewell 1320 Ass
- Ratclifs Layer 1746 R
- Retten or Rotten Rowe 1537 LnIpm
- Rotten Row 1677 OandM 1799 Horwood 1831 Elmes
- Ragged Row 1746 R
- Wood Close 1581 Sess
- Woodes Close 1592 ParReg 1682 Morgan
- Ealdestrate c.1200 Clerkenwell
- Eldestrete 1275 RH
- Eldestret 1291 Tax
- le Oldestrete 1373 Hust
- Yealdestrete 1535 VE
- Alderstreet 1603 Stow
- Peerless Pool 1799 Horwood
- Penton Place ib.
- Peeters street 1687 ParReg
- Rag Street 1746 R
- Red Lyon Street 1746 R
- Garden Alley 1677 OandM
- Bridewell Walk 1746 R
- New Prison Walk 1677 OandM 1691 ParReg 1746 R
- Seint Jonestrete 1376 ADii 1387 Pat
- Messrs Sewards Dye Ho 1799 Horwood
- Swan Alley 1746 R
- Windmill Hill 1746 R
- Towns End or Codpeice Row 1677 OandM
- Towns End Lane 1720 Strype
- Trilmullestrete 1374 Hust
- Tryllemylstrete 1474 FF
- Tyrmylstrete c.1493 ECP
- Turmelstrete 1545 FF
- Tremelstrete 1546 ib
- Tourmelstrete 1553 ib
- Turnmelstrete 1567 ib
- Turnemill streat 1601 PCC
- Trillemille 1294 Ass
- Tryllemelle 1353 Hust
- Trynmylbroke 1422 LnEng
- Turnemyll Broke 1502 Pat
- Fulanham c.705 StPaulsCh 17th
- (æt) Fullanhamme, (on) Fullanhamme 879,880 ASC c.895
- (of) Fullanhamme c.1000 ASCharters
- (æt) Fullanhomme 880 ASC 12th
- (at) Fullenham t.EdwConf ASWills 14th
- (æt) Fulanhamme 879,880 ASC c.1050
- Fuleham 1086 DB 1316 FA
- Foleham c.1127 StPaulsCh 1232 FF 1274 Ass 1291 Tax
- Fulleham 1274 Ass 1326 FF
- Fulham 1274 Ass 1316 FF
- Fullam 1533 PC
- Colyshill 1422 Ct
- Coleshill 1438,1445 ib
- Colhill 1554 ib
- Collehillane 1524 ib
- Countessesbrugge c.1350 Works
- Contessesbrugge 1421 Ct
- Contassebrugge 1422 ib
- Cuntassebrugge 1445 ib
- Countesbregge 1475 ib
- Counters Bridge 1612 ib
- Hillebrook 1408,1444 Ct
- Hillebroke 1459 ib
- Hellebrook 1444,1449 ib
- Helbroke 1554 ib
- Eelbrook 1820 FaulknerF
- Muster House 1745 R
- Nanesmaneslande 1086 DB
- Nonemanneslond t.Hy3 BM
- Nomanneslonde 1390 Hust
- le Perre, Perre 1270,1428 Ct
- Perrebrygg 1386 ib
- Perredich 1407 ib
- Perrebregge t.Hy5 ib
- Perbrigge 1503 ib
- Perebrig 1508 ib
- Pirybrigge 1383 Ct
- (le) Pyrre 1422,1438 Ct
- Pirre 1422 ib
- Pirrebrigge 1435 ib
- Parrebrygge 1476 Ct
- Parre 1477 ib
- Pardyche 1587 Ct
- Pear 1673 Ct
- Parr's Bridge 1838 FaulknerF
- Personesgrene 1391,1437 Ct
- Personagegrene 1457 ib
- Personnesgrene 1534 ib
- Sandford 1236 StPaulsCh 1272 FF
- Saunford 1341 NI
- Saundfords t.Eliz ChancP
- Samfordesbregge 1444 Ct
- Sampfordbregge 1449 ib
- Stamfordbregge 1456 ib
- Wendenegrene 1386 Works
- Whendengrene 1437 Ct
- Wendengrene 1444,1459 Ct
- Wendenesgrene 1397,1393,1429 Ct
- Wandenesgrene t.Hy5,1457 ib
- Wanam Grene 1546 FF
- Wannam Grene 1575 Sess
- Waneham Grene 1584 FF
- Wandhams Grene 1592 Sess
- Wanham Greene 1668 FF
- Wandon's Green t.Eliz ChancP 1615 Sess
- Wandon Green 1634 Feret
- Wallam Green 1710 S
- Waltam Green 1745 R
- Waltham Green 1754 ib
- Walham Green 1819 G
- Wendon 1448 Pat 1481 IpmR
- Grovehows ib.
- Grove House in Fulham 1551 ADvi
- Northend 1459 Ct
- atte Sonde 1408 Ct
- Sand end in Fulham 1655 ParReg(Kensington)
- The Broomhouses 1454 Ct
- Sowgelders lane 1578 Ct
- Sowgilders lane 1674 ib
- the backe lane 1613 Feret
- The Church Row 1650 Ct
- Parys lane 1437,1449 Ct
- Dawes lane 1555 ib
- Dawes Lane al. Parryes Lane 1607 Feret
- Parys t.Ed3 ib
- Dawe 1294 Ass
- Pyrrelane(ende) 1437 Ct
- Perlane 1487,1552 ib
- Parrelane al. South lane 1615 ib
- The church highway 1571 ib
- Fulham Lane 1741–5 R
- London Lane 1507 Ct
- Muscal lane 1552 Ct
- Mustallane 1554 ib
- Burystrete 1391 Ct 1552 et freq
- Berestrete 1391,1404,1422 ib
- Bearestreete 1607 ib
- Barestreete 1660 ib
- Back Lane 1705 1848 Feret
- Payneslane 1419 Ct
- Paine 1386 ib
- Mustewlane 1486 Ct
- Mustowlane 1553 ib
- Northstrete 1488 Ct
- North End Lane 1649 ib
- Parsons Greene Lane 1650 Ct
- Bryghtwelles tenement 1386 Ct
- Brightwelles 1395 ib
- Bryghtwelle 1437 ib
- Sherewold t.Hy6 Feretii,262
- Hakeneia 1198 Cur
- Hakeneye 1236 Cl 1242 Fees 1443 Ct
- Hakne 1231 FF
- Hackeneye 1253 Cl
- Hackney 1535 VE
- Hacquenye 1593 N
- Hekeney 1314 Pat
- Clopton 1339 Pleas 1380,1391 Cl 1509 Ct 1550 Pat 1556 FF
- Clapton 1593 N
- Derleston 1294 Ass 1443 Ct
- Dorleston 1388 FF 1581 Simpson
- Darleston, Darlston ib.
- Dalston 1741–5 R
- Hoggeston al. Bams 1509–10 ShoreSurv
- ferm of Wyk 1299 Hust
- Wyke 1399 IpmR
- Wick House 1741–5 R
- la Wike 1231 Bracton
- atte Wyk in Hakeney 1294 Ass
- Humburton 1343 ADvi
- Homberton 1355 Misc
- Humbertonfeld 1443 Ct
- Humberton 1550 Pat, Survey
- Hummerton 1581 Simpson
- Hamerton 1680 S 1724 Moll
- Humerton 1741–5 R
- Kyngeslond 1395 Hust 1443 Ct 1550 Pat
- London Field 1540 Survey
- his great field of land and pasture…commonly called London Felde…in the parish of Hakney 1547 Pat
- Merestret 1443 Ct
- Gonneston strete al. Merestrete 1550 Pat
- Merestret, Meerstreete 1593 N
- Mayre street 1605 RobinsonH
- Marestreete 1621 Sess
- Meare street 1741–5 R
- Church streete 1605 RobinsonH
- Street 1741–5 R
- Mellefeld juxta Mellelane 1443 Ct
- lee (sic) North, Southmyllefeld 1547 Pat
- Shekelwell 1491 PCC
- Shakylwell 1509 Ct
- Shakkelwell 1530 LP
- Shakelwell 1532 ib
- Shackewell 1553 FF
- Shackerwell 1680 S
- Sanford 1255 Misc
- Sa(u)ndfordhull 1294 GDR
- Sa(u)ndfordhull in villa de Hakeneye 1307 ib
- Saumforthill 1382 Pat
- Sampfordehill 1410 ib
- Samfordhell 1433 Ct
- Stamford Hill 1675 Ogilby
- molendin' de Craggehege 1274 Ass
- Crachehegh 1339 StPauls
- mill of Crachehegge 1354 Pat
- Crathhegloke (sic) 1355 Misc
- Cracchegge melle 1394 Cor
- Tempylmylle 1461 Pat
- Temple Mill River 1549 Ipm
- Cressemulles 1362 Cl
- Crachemilles 1374 ib
- les Cracchemulles 1376 Pat
- Hackney Lane 1741–5 R
- Back Lane ib.
- Humberton Street 1652 Survey
- Mutton Lane 1741–5 R
- Mayfeld 1557 FF
- Mellelane 1443 Ct
- Millfeild lane 1652 Survey
- Mourning Lane 1732 PC
- Money Lane 1741–5 R
- Ship Lane al. Galloes Lane 1550 Survey
- Hamersmyth' 1294 GDR 1313,1380 FF 1322 Pat 1349 Works 1393 Ct
- Hamersmytthe 1307 GDR 1388 FF
- Hameresmithe, Hameresmythe 1312 Seldxxxiii
- Hamyrsmyth in the parish of Fulham 1535 FF
- Hammersmith 1675 Ogilby
- Brookegreen 1616 ParReg(Kensington)
- le Brooke, Brookbregge t.Hy5 Ct
- le Brookdyche, Brookstret 1493 ib
- Palyngewyk 1270 FF
- Pallyngwyk 1307 GDR
- Palengewyk 1319,1408,1455 Ct
- Pallingwike 1377 IpmR
- Paningewik, Paningewyk 1274 Ass
- Paleswyk juxta Fuleham 1294 Ass
- Pallyngeswyk 1380 BM, Pat
- Palyngeswyke 1487 Ipm
- Palenswyke otherwise Padenswyke 1547 FF
- Paddyngeswyke 1553 Ct
- Paddingwyke 1593 N
- Padingwick 1675 Ogilby
- Ravenscourt formerly known by the name of Paddingswick 1765 HammSurv
- Padderswick Green (hamlet), Raven's Court (house) 1819 G
- Sheppards Bush Green 1635 FaulknerF
- Shepperds Bush 1675 Ogilby
- Shepards Bush 1710 S
- Shepers Bush 1745 R
- Storkesgrene 1397,1493 Ct
- Storkysgrene 1459 ib
- Wormeholte 1189–99 StPaulsCh
- Wermeholte, Wormhot (sic) 1198 Cur
- Wrmeholt 1290 Ipm
- Wermholt 1294 Ass
- Wormeholt(e), Wormholt(e) 1375 Pat 1397 Ct 1535 VE
- Worm(h)oltwode 1437,1444 Ct
- Wormholt Scrubbs 1819 G
- Wormall Felde 1550 Pat
- Wormolle wood 1593 AllSouls
- Wormewood 1654 DKRxl
- Wermer Wood Common 1754 R
- Wormwood Scrubbs c.1865 O.S.
- Beavor Street 1813 FaulknerF
- Blyndelane 1554 Ct
- Blind Lane 1741–5 R
- Blyth Lane 1813 FaulknerF
- Brademere, Bradmeredych, Mochilbradmere t.Hy5 Ct
- Creek Lane 1813 FaulknerF
- Gould Hawk Lane 1813 FaulknerF
- (super) regiam viam 1502 FaulknerF
- The Highway 1624 LCCDeeds
- Hog Lane 1813 FaulknerF
- Warple Way ib.
- Shortelond t.Hy5 Ct
- Hope Lane 1813 FaulknerF
- Wodelane 1408 Ct
- (to medeman) Hemstede, (andlang) Hemstedes mearce 959 BCS1351 13th
- Hemestede 1404 Pat
- (æt) Hamstede 978 BCS1309 18th
- (in) Heamstede 1066 KCD824 13th
- Hamestede 1086 DB
- Hamsted(e) 1230 Cl 1291 Tax
- Hampsted(e) 1258 FF
- Belsize Lane 1741–5 R
- Church Lane 1741–5 R
- Shootup hill lane 1741–5 R
- Platt c.1840 TA
- Pond Street 1686 M
- Pound Street 1741–5 R
- Rosslyn 1793 Barrattii,91–5
- Well Street 1686 M
- Well Walk 1698 HCMag
- pasture voc' Barrowes 1539 Rental
- Belassis, Belseys 1317 WAM
- Belassize 1360 ib
- Belces 1500 MinAcct
- Belsis 1535 VE 1542 LP
- Belsuys 1541 ib
- Belcys 1542 Dugdii
- Belsise 1593 N
- Chaldecote 1253 Cl
- Caldecote c.1400 Barratt
- Chalcotes, Chalcotts 1531 LP
- Chalcot(e) 1593 N 1675 Ogilby 1710 S
- Chacott (Lane) 1594 SP
- Chalk 1746 R
- Frognall 1795 Lysons
- Frogenhall 1542 FF
- Cuneburna 1121–40 Dugdiii
- Keneburna 1121–40,1130–60 Dugdiii 12th WAM
- Kyneburna 1160–76 Dugdiii
- Keleburne 1181 StPaulsDB 1306 BM
- Kelebirne 1208 FF
- Kelburn 1239 Lib 1286 Pat
- Kelleb(o)urn 1340,1371 FF
- Kelleburn c.1200 ADii 1370 FF
- Kylleburne 1229 Dugdiii
- Kileburn 1272–91 Ipm
- Kylbourne 1502 FF
- Kylbourne or Keelebourne 1593 N
- Kulebourn(e), Kuleburn(e) 1294 Ass 1311 Pat
- Gilborne 1682 Morgan 1724 Moll
- Prymrose Hill 1586 WandC
- Shottuppe Hill 1566 Ipm
- Shoteuphill 1584 AllSouls
- Shotuphill 1589 Ipm
- Shutt up Hill 1594 ib
- Seutup Hill 1710 S
- Fortune Greene 1646 Barratt
- Hampstede Heth 1543 LP
- la ponde in villa de Hamstede 1274 Ass
- (le) Westende 1535 VE 1547 Pat
- (on) Holeburne 951–9 BCS1351 13th
- Holeburne 1086 DB 1335 Ipm
- pons de Holeburn 1191 P
- Holleburn 1235 FF 1310 Orig
- Hollebourne 1332–5 Ipm
- Howeborne 1551 Pat
- Hautborne 1703 ParRegFr
- Holbourne by London 1567 Ipm
- parochia Sancte Andree de Holeburne 1162 Templars
- (in) Soca Blemund 1242 Fees
- manerium de Blemund 1274 Ass
- Soka Blemundi 1286 Cl
- Soka Sancti Egidii et Blemond 1316 FA
- Blemondesberi 1291 ADi
- Blemondesbury 1339 ADii 1376 Works
- Bloemundesbury 1324 Cl, Ipm
- Blemundesbury 1324,1337 Ipm 1336 ADii 1336 Pat
- infra campum de Blemundesbury 1376 Works
- Blumbesbury 1535 VE
- Blomesburye 1567 FF
- Blumsberrie fieldes 1603 Sess
- Ely Place t.Eliz Agas
- Purtepol(e) 1203 FF 1309 et freq
- Purtepol Sokne 1294 QW
- Purpoole 1586 PCC
- Perpoole 1624 DKRxxxviii
- Portepol(e) 1240 StPaulsMSS 1535 VE
- Portepul 1249 ADii 1329 StPaulsMSS
- Portepulle 1362 Cl
- Portpole juxta Holeborn 1371 Ipm
- Portpulbrigg 1380 Pat
- Pourtepol t.Hy3 ADii 1274 Ass 1302 LBk 1316 FA 1322 Pat 1323 Ipm 1340 Cor
- Portpole maner vocat' Grays Inn in Holborne 1396 IpmR
- Grayesin 1403 Williams
- Greys yn londes 1413 StPaulsMSS
- manor of Portpole commonly called Greyesynne 1506 Williams
- Hospicium de Lincolsin 1422 LiBlBki
- Lyncolnesyn 1427 ib
- Lyncollysyn 1437 ib
- Lyncolnes Inne 1488 Pat
- hospitali Sancti Egidii extra Londonium 1100–35 Ch 1330
- infirmi de Sancto Egidio 1185 Templars
- Ecclesia S. Egidii infirmorum t.Ric1 BM
- S. Egid. Leprosorum extra London 1239 ib
- Socka Sci Egidii, in paroch' Hospital' de Sco Egidio extra London 1274 Ass
- in paroch' Sancti Egidii extra barr' veteris Templi 1370 IpmR
- Seintgilespitel 1374 Hust
- agrum Divi Egidii 1417 MemorialsofHyV
- (in) rure Egidii c.1446 Capgrave
- Seynt Gyles in the ffield 1563 SR
- St Gyles nere London 1584 PCC
- St Giles in the Feildes 1615 Sess
- (les) Seven Dials 1707 ParRegFr 1746 R
- Cock and Pye Fields 1682 Morgan 1732 PC
- Stapelhyne in Holbourne 1436 Cl
- Staple Inne c.1440 ECP 1583 PCC
- le Stapledhalle 1333 Hust
- le Stapelhalle 1407 Williams
- Banbridge Street 1746 R
- Le Pyttes next Greyesyn 1430 Williams
- Gravell Pittes 1500 ib
- Brownlow Street 1682 Morgan
- Charlotte Street 1799 Horwood
- Plumptre Street 1746 R
- Nottingham Street 1746 R
- Strata Sci Egidij t.Hy3 Parton
- la rue St Giles 1706 ParRegFr
- St Giles Broad St 1708 Hatton
- Broad Street (St Giles) 1732 PC 1746 R
- Church Street 1682 Morgan
- le Kirkewaye 1373 Works
- Liquor Pond Street 1682 Morgan
- Liquer Pond Street 1746 R 1749 ParReg(Clerkenwell)
- Duke Street 1682 Morgan
- Great Coram Street 1810 Lockie
- Fox Court 1746 R
- Dannemark Street 1703 ParRegFr
- Denmark Street 1720 Strype
- Dean Street 1746 R
- Dodington Street 1746 R
- Diot Street 1704 ParRegFr
- Dyot Street 1732 PC
- Earl Street 1691 StGilesSurv
- Erle Street 1706 ParRegFr
- Great Earl Street and Little Earl Street 1746 R
- Grange Street 1746 R
- Green Street 1799 Horwood
- Bowl Yard 1746 R
- Old Belton Street and New Belton Street 1732 PC 1746 R
- Hannover Street 1746 R 1831 Elmes
- Ayre Street 1746 R
- Fetherstone t.Chas2 Parton
- Field(e) Lane 1605 Sess 1682 Morgan
- Yeates Street 1746 R
- Gloucester Street 1746 R
- The Cole Yard 1648 Parton
- Purtepolestrate 1234 ADii 1252–60 Williams
- street of Pourtepole 1299 ib
- Grayes Inne Lane 1419 ib
- Greys Inn Lane otherwise Portpole Lane 1551 FF
- Portpole Lane al. Purpoole Lane 1599 ADvi
- Grevil Street 1682 Morgan
- the dwelling house called Hatton House 1605 Sess
- Hatton streete 1665 ib
- Highe Holborne 1548 FF
- Holeburne Strat(e) c.1183 Williams 1251 StPaulsMSS
- Holeburnstrete 1251 Williams
- Jockey Fields ib.
- New Store Street 1795 Map
- Kerby Street 1677 OandM
- Kirkby Street 1682 Morgan
- Lambs Conduit Fields 1746 R
- Leicester Street 1720 Strype 1746 R
- Le Vrunelane 1233 ADii
- Louerone lane 1306 Hust
- Leueronelane 1306 Williams
- Lyveroneslane, Liveronelane 1331 Hust
- Leverounelane 1353 Williams 1354 Hust
- Lyvyrlane 1411 ADvi
- Lyverlane 1452 ib
- Loueronlane 1457 Williams
- Lither lane al. Liver lane 1604 Harben
- Leather Lane 1682 Morgan
- Lincolnes Inne Feildes 1598 Sess
- Lewkners lane 1633 StGilesSurv
- Lutenors Lane 1682 Morgan 1746 R
- Lukeners Lane 1700 Sess
- Lewknor 1633 StGilesSurv
- Middle Row 1732 PC 1746 R
- Montagu House 1682 Morgan
- New Bedford Street 1795 ib
- Bow Street and Queen Street 1746 R
- King Street and Cross Lane 1746 R
- Little Lincolns Inn Fields 1682 Morgan
- Lincolns Inn New Court 1720 Strype
- Lincolns Inn New Square 1746 R
- Newton Streete 1650 ParlSurv
- A new street called Ormond Street 1706 Sess
- Parkers Lane 1682 Morgan
- Parker 1625 StGilesSurv
- Orange St 1746 R
- Perpool Lane 1682 Morgan
- Purple Lane 1732 PC
- Prince street 1621 Aliens
- Princes streete 1650 ParlSurv
- Queenestreete 1621 Aliens
- Queenes street 1628 Sess
- Red Lyon Square 1691 Sess
- Red Lion Fields 1682 Morgan
- Suffering Hill 1750 ParReg(Clerkenwell)
- St Andre St 1706 ParRegFr
- Bedford Street 1746 R
- Shorts Garden 1682 Morgan
- Short 1632 StGilesSurv
- Southampton t.Edward6toCharles1 WandC
- King Street, Kingsgate Street 1746 R
- the newe gate neere Drewry lane 1620 StGilesSurv
- passage between the two gates in Holborn 1631 ib
- Kings Gate 1650 ParlSurv
- Kings Way 1682 Morgan
- Titchburn Court 1732 PC
- Stitchbone Court 1746 R
- Tottenham Court Row 1708 Hatton
- Turne style lane 1639 StGilesSurv
- Turne stile 1657 ib
- the Turneing stile 1650 ParlSurv
- Great Turnstile 1691 Sess
- Turngatlane 1522 StGilesSurv
- Turnpik lane 1531 ib
- Turngayte lane, Turnpikelane 1544 LP
- Vernon Row 1682 Morgan
- Wine streete 1680 ParReg(Clerkenwell)
- Vine Street 1685 ib
- Wine street 1746 R
- Oueste street 1704 ParRegFr
- Whetstons Park 1682 Morgan
- Whetstones Park 1692 StGilesSurv
- La Rue du Lion Blanc 1703 ParRegFr
- Wait Lion Street 1706 ib
- Haringeie, Haringeia 1201,1213 Cur 1201 FF 1428 FA
- Harryngey 1428 EEW
- Harengheye 1232 FF
- Haringheye 1243 Pat
- Heringeye 1241 Cl 1279 QW
- Heryngeye 1294 Ass
- Heringheie, Herengheie 1274 ib
- Haringesheye 1243 Cl
- Haringeseye 1274 Ass
- Haryngeseye 1321 Cor 1369,1377 FF 1417 Pat
- Harengee 1244 Pat 1274 Ass
- Harengeye 1316 FA 1341 NI
- Harngey(e) 1346 FF 1431 ADvi
- Harynsey 1401 SR
- Harnyssay 1498 FF
- Haryngeay 1465 FF
- Harnyngey 1488 FF
- Harnyngsey 1551 Sess
- Harnesey 1524 LP 1543 FF
- Haryngey otherwise Harnesey 1557 ib
- Haringsaye al. Harnesey 1568 Sess
- Haringaye, Heringay 1535 VE
- Hornsey 1564 FF
- Haringay al. Hornesey t.Eliz ChancP
- Herneseye 1576 PCC
- Fretheslane 1504 ADvi
- Frithes Lane 1607 HornseyCt
- Freeslane 1617 ib
- Freezeland(s) 1627 ib
- atte Fryth 1406 StPauls
- Highegate Hill 1565 Sess
- Haryngeylane 1399 ADvi
- Hornesey Lane 1603 HornseyCt
- Lodghill 1593 N
- manor of Toppesfeldes 1375 ADiii
- Toppesfeld in Harengey 1467 Cl
- Toppesfeld Hall 1483 ADvi
- Toppesfeld 1343 FF
- Byssehopeswode c.1387 Knighton
- Brandeswode c.1250 StPauls
- Brondeswode 1254 Val
- Brouneswod(e) 1291 Tax 1325,1344 Pat 1329 Londin
- Brouneswod al. Brounesbury 1348 Pat
- Broundeswode 1450,1461 Pat
- Brawndeswood, Broundeswood 1535 VE
- Broweneswood 1482 ECP
- Browns Wood 1745 R
- Crouchend 1465 ADvi
- Crowchende 1480 ib
- the Crouche ende 1482 ib
- Crutche Ende 1553 Sess
- atte Cruche of Haryngeye 1352 ADii
- atte Crouche 1400 ib
- Danebotme c.1154,c.1180 Clerkenwell
- Denebotme ib.
- Danbotme c.1580 Add
- Hornsey Wood 1741–5 R
- Fortessegreene 1613 HornseyCt
- Forte Greene, Fortesgreene 1619 ib
- Fordesgreene 1629 ib
- Fortes Greene 1638 ib
- Fortres(s) Greene 1681–93 ib
- Forty Green 1754 R
- Fortis Green 1813 EnclA
- Le He(i)ghgate 1354,1359 Pat
- Heghegate 1377 ib
- Heygate 1391 FF
- Highgate 1440 ADii 1529 FF
- Hyegat 1543 ib
- Mosewell(a) 1152–60 BM 1294 Ass 1320 Cl
- Mosewelle c.1200 Clerkenwell
- Moswelcros 1399 Works
- Muswell 1535 VE
- Mussell Hill 1631 HornseyCt
- Muzzle 1641 ib
- Muscle Hill 1746 R
- Pinnesknol, Pynnesknoll 1288,1294 Ass
- Pinsenall Hill 1593 N
- Pinnesnoll Hill al. Muswell Hill, Pynesnoll Hill 1610 HornseyCt
- Muswell Hill al. Pinchnoll Hill 1617 ib
- land at Strode near Hyghebury 1407 Hust
- Strode 1432 ECP
- Strowde Grene 1546 PCC 1568 Sess
- Strodegrene 1562 FF
- Copits Farm 1754 R
- Coppice Farm 1819 G
- (in) parco de Haringeye 1241 Cl
- Haryngeseyepark 1320 Ass
- Hornesey park 1539 LP
- (of) Gislandune c.1000 ASCharters
- Iseldon(e) 1086 DB 1554 FF
- Iseldun 1176 RecStBarts
- Isildon 1271,1439 FF 1398 Pat
- Isledon 1320 FF
- Issildon 1404 Pat
- Iselton c.1475 ECP
- Iseleton 1525 PCC
- Isendone 1086 DB
- Ysendon 1220 FF
- Isendon 1235 Ass
- Isoldona 1163–81 StPaulsCh
- Islyngton 1464 ADvi 1490 Pat
- Iselyngton 1512 FF
- Isselyngton 1545 PCC 1552 FF
- Iseldon otherwise Islyngton, Islyngdon 1554 FF
- villa de Iseldon Berners, Iseldon Berneris 1274 Ass
- maner' of Iseldon otherwise Bernersbury 1406 FF
- Berner(e)sbury 1418 IpmR 1436 FF
- Bernardysbury c.1475 ECP
- Barnersbury 1492 FF
- Berners maner in Islesdon (sic) 1422 IpmR
- Bernersbury otherwise Iseldon Berners otherwise Barnardesbury 1541 FF
- Barnesbury 1543 ib
- Canonesbury 1373 Misc 1433 Pat
- Canbury 1544 DKRxxv 1798 Stockdale
- Canonbury 1535 VE
- Canonbury al. Canbury 1552 Pat
- Canonbury al. Canbury 1570 FF
- Cambury 1593 N 1686 M 1710 S
- Coopen Hagen 1680 S 1686 M
- Copenhagen 1735 Tomlins
- Neweton Barrewe, Berewe 1274 Ass
- Newenton Barwe 1294 ib
- Newton Berners 1274 Ass
- Heybury 1349–96 Gesta
- Heyghbury 1407 Hust
- Highbury 1535 VE
- Newenton al. Newyngton Barough al. Newington Barowe al. the manor of Highbury 1548 Pat
- le Holeweye in Iseldon 1307 GDR
- Holway 1473 Pat 1535 VE
- Holewey 1487 Ipm
- Holwey 1489 Pat
- Holwey Islynton 1541 FF
- Halway c.1493 ECP
- Holowey 1543 FF
- Holowaye al. Netherholowaye 1553 ib
- Hollowaye 1554 ib
- Halliwaye 1593 PCC
- Holway the upper, Holway the lower 1593 N 1741–5 R
- (of) Tollandune c.1000 ASCharters
- Tolentone 1086 DB
- Tolinton 1274 Ass
- Tolyngton 1468 FF
- Tollington 1680 S
- Tolendune c.1150 Round,CommuneofLondon
- Tolesdon, Tolesdune c.1154 Clerkenwell
- Tolindon 1274 Ass
- Tolingdon 1306 RecStBarts
- Tolyndon 1392 FF
- Talington 1336 Inqaqd
- Tallington Green 1682 Morgan
- Cut Throat Lane ib. 166
- Brick Lane 1808 Cary
- The Lower Street 1735 Tomlins
- Lower Street and Newington Green Lane 1741–5 R
- Lower Street and Road 1817 Wilkinson
- The Broad Way 1808 Cary
- The Strete 1540 Tomlins
- Highgate Road 1817 Wilkinson
- Tallingdone Lane 1593 N
- Tallington Lane 1841 Lewis
- (The) Devils Lane 1611 Survey 1732 PC 1741–5 R
- the Hyde 1540 Tomlins
- Islington Back Lane 1741–5 R
- Kettle Lane 1735 Tomlins
- Frogg lane, Frog lane 1692,1735 Tomlins 1741–5 R
- The Alder Walk 1732 PC
- Elder Walk 1811 Nelson
- Provence Field 1735 Tomlins
- Randulffesfeld 1306 RecStBarts
- Hopping Lane 1735 Tomlins 1841 Map
- Hoppingefeild 1540 Tomlins
- Hoppinges 1609 Hust
- The Hoppinge 1611 Survey
- Hagbush Lane 1735 Tomlins
- White Conduit Lane 1735 Tomlins
- (The) Black Lane 1746 R 1811 Nelson
- Mede Lane 1553 FF
- Mayden Lane 1649 StPancSurv
- Maid Lane or Maiden Lane 1735 Tomlins
- Shereway t.Ric2 Gatty
- Chenesi 1086 DB
- Kinsentona, Kinsentun, Kinsnetuna t.Hy1 Abingdon
- Cinsentuna 1154–89 ib
- Chinsentun 1189 ib
- Kinsingtoun 1595 PCC
- Chensnetune t.Hy1 Abingdon
- Kunsentun ib.
- Kensinton(e) 1221 FF 1316 FA
- Kensenton 1264,1270 Ipm
- Kensington 1235 Ass
- Keynsington 1230,1287 FF
- Kenesingeton 1274 Ass
- Brompton 1294 Ass 1481 IpmR
- Bromton 1309 FF
- Brumpton 1380 Cl 1596 ParReg
- Brompton greene 1607 Ct
- Brumetone 1610 ParReg
- Colneherne 1430 Ct
- Colhyrne 1433 ib
- Colehearne 1653 ParReg
- Coolehearne 1656 ib
- Cooldhearne 1661 ib
- Hale House commonly called Cromwell House 1820 FaulknerKe
- le Hale 1400 Ct
- Halefeild 1617 ib
- Earles Court 1593 Ct 1614 FF
- Erls Cort 1654 ParReg
- The Park House 1664 FaulknerKe
- Nottingham House 1690 ib
- Northlandes 1428,1433 Ct
- Norlandesgate 1438 ib
- Norlands 1607 ib
- Knottynghull' 1356 Works 1361,1374 Pat
- Knottyngwode 1376 Cl 1430 Ct
- Knottingwode 1382 Cor
- Knottyngesbernys 1462 Pat
- Knottyngbernes 1475 ib
- Knottinge Bernes 1476 IpmR
- Notingbarns 1519 FF
- Nuttyngbarnes 1543 LP 1550 Pat
- Notynghyll 1550 Sess
- Nuttyng Woode 1550 Pat
- Noten barns 1675 Ogilby
- Noding Hill 1680 S
- the Gravilpits, the Gravill pits 1654 ParReg
- Kinsington grauill Pittes 1675 Ogilby
- Bolton 1533–8 ECP
- Bromtonlane 1430 Ct
- Bell Lane 1793 Cary
- The Lord Cambdens house 1656 ParReg
- Cambdune House 1659 ib
- Cambden House 1663 ib
- Campden 1628 FaulknerKe
- Church Lane 1658 FaulknerKe 1808 Cary
- Green's Lane 1741–5 R
- Courtefeld 1642 Ct
- Earles Court Lane 1612 Ct
- Hog moor(e) lane 1612 Ct
- (The) High Street 1630,1645 FaulknerKe
- the great road to Acton 1652 ib
- Uxbridge Way 1664 ib
- Lord Holland's Lane 1772 ib
- Honye lane 1612 Ct
- Honey Lane 1741–5 R
- a new street called the Square 1690 Sess
- Pitt Buildings 1820 ib
- Pitt 1693 ib
- Pitt 1814 ib
- Gore Lane 1665,1820 FaulknerKe
- Walnut Tree Walk 1746 R 1820 FaulknerKe
- Sallad Lane 1741–5 R 1808 Cary
- Florida Gardens 1793 Cary
- Thistle Grove Lane 1820 FaulknerKe
- Love Lane 1657 Sess 1741–5 R
- Warwick 1673 FaulknerKe
- Wright c.1774 ib
- Yong 1502 FaulknerKe
- Younge 1630 ib
- (in) Padintune 959 BCS1050 13th BM t.Hy3 Westlake 1222
- Padinton(e) c.1110 Crispin 1168 P 1185 Templars 1224 FF 1291 Tax
- Padynton 1316 FA
- Paddingtone 998 Thorpe 13th
- Paddington 1493 FF
- Padington 1042–66 WAM 13th Ass 1274 FF 1321
- Padyngton 1294 Ass 1353,1422 FF
- Patintone c.1110 Crispin
- Patyngton 1398,1493 Pat
- The Green Lane 1555 Robins
- Wesborn Green Lane 1746 R
- place called Bayards Watering 1652 FaulknerKe
- Bayards Watering Place 1654 ParReg(Kensington)
- Bayeswater 1659 PCC
- Beards Watering Place 1680 S
- Bayards Watering Place or Bayswater 1752 LCCDeeds
- Westeburn(e) 1222 Westlake 1259 FF 1319 Pat
- Westbourn(e), Westborn(e) 1294 Ass 1302 GDR 1316 FA
- Westborne Grene 1548 Pat
- Washborne Green 1680 S
- Wesborn Green 1754 R
- Popler 1327 Banco
- Le Popler 1351 Cl
- Poplar 1486 FF
- Popeler 1340,1341 FF
- Popeler in Stebbenheth 1350 Ipm
- Populer 1346 Ct 1547 FF
- le Popelere 1355 BPR
- le Popeler 1443 Ct
- Poppeller 1535 VE
- Popiller 1358 BPR
- Popiler 1362 Cl
- Popellier 1399 FF
- Popley 1542 FF
- Stratford 1177 P 1199 Cur 1244 Fees 1247 Ch 1273 BM
- Strafford 1203 Cur
- Stretford 1265 FF 1314 Cl 1593 N
- Strettford atte Bowe, Stretford atte Bowe 1349 Orig 1407 Pat
- Stretford at Bowe 1522 FF
- Stratford atte Bowe 1279 FF 1316 Pat c.1400 Chaucer,Prologue
- Stratford next Stebenhuth 1325 FF
- Stratford ate Boghe 1303 Pat
- Stratford atte Bough 1323 ib
- Stratford juxta Redhope 1346 Works
- Stratford at Bowe 1445 Pat
- Stratford of the Bowe 1449 ib
- Stratford at the Bowe 1494 FF
- Stratford at Bowe 1535 VE
- Stratford the Bowe 1543 PCC
- Stratford le Bow(e) c.1560 ChancP 1805 O.S.
- Stratford on the Bow 1593 N
- Stratford bowe 1547 PCC 1606 ParReg
- Bow(e) 1594,1597 ib
- (ultra) pontem de Stretford 1294 Ass
- (iuxta) pontem de Stratford 1346 Works
- Bowebrigge 1461 Pat
- the stone bridge called Bowebrydge 1541 LP
- (of) Bræmbelege c.1000 ASCharters
- Brambeley c.1128 ADi 1536 FF
- Brambelestrate 12th ADii
- Brembellee 12th ADii
- Brembeleg' 1226 FF
- Brembelley 1282 ADii 1354 et freq
- Brembeleye strate 1282 ADii
- Bremlegh 1346 Works
- Bremley 1467 Pat
- Brameley 1135–54 ADii
- Bramleia 1201 FF
- Bramlegh 1346 Works 1371 FF
- Bramley(e) 1394,1523 1598 Stow
- Brombelleg' 1251 FF
- Brombele 1274 Ass
- Bromlegh 1274,1542,1564 FF
- Bromeley St Mary 1532 ib
- Bromley 1541 ib
- Bromley-by-Bow 1786 LibReg
- Brumlegh 1351 ADi
- Blakewale 1377 Walford
- the wall called Blakwall 1480 Pat
- Blakwall 1483 ib
- Blackewall 1561 Sess
- Walemers 1288 AD
- Walmerssh 1430 Pat
- Isle of doges ferm 1593 N
- Poplar Marshes or Isle of Dogs 1799 Horwood
- Eldefordmelne 1230 Bracton
- Eldeford in Stubenheth 1268 Pat
- (le) Eldeford(e) 1311 Londin 1323 ADi 1374 Cl
- Oldeford(e) 1313 Abbr 1383 IpmR 1388 FF
- Oldeforthe 1384 ib
- Aldeforde juxta London 1381 WI
- (apud) Pontem Fractum 1230 P
- (manor of) Pontefracto 1303 FF
- (de) Ponteffracto super Tamisiam 1334 ib
- Pountfreit in com' Midd' 1307 GDR
- Pountfreit in Stepheneth Mershe 1432 IpmR
- Pountfreyt 1430 Wollaton
- Ponfrayt upon Thames 1323 Ipm
- Pountfreyt 1358,1458 FF
- Pomfreyth 1363 Ipm
- Pomfret 1366 Orig
- Coleharbor 1617 Allgood 1643 ParReg
- Coldharbor 1639 ib
- Barebinder Lane 1617 Allgood
- Bromley Lane 1741–5 R
- Poplar Street 1669 ChancP
- Arrow Lane 1741–5 R
- Popler northstrete 1617 ParReg
- Old Ford Lane 1703 Gascoyne
- Penny feild 1663 ParReg
- Peny Feild 1703 Gascoyne
- Robin Hood's Lane ib.
- Foure Milstrett 1551 Pat
- Four Mill Street 1741–5 R
- Tiburne 1086 DB 1235 Ass 1277 Abbr
- Tibourn 1291 Tax
- Tibern 1316 FA
- Teyborn(e) 1312 Fine 1598 Stow
- Maryburne 1453 LBk 1505 AD
- Marybourne 1492,1509 FF
- Mariborne 1535 VE
- Tyborne otherwise called Maryborne 1490,1504 FF
- Marybon 1542 LMxASiv
- Marribon 1612 Sess
- Maribone 1623 BM
- Marrowbon 1625 ParReg(Kensington)
- Marylebone 1626 PCC
- Mary le Bone 1746 R
- Lilestone 1086 DB
- Lislestone t.Hy1 Pat 1373
- Lilleston 1198 FF 1244 Fees 1561 FF
- Lylleston Grene 1547 PCC
- Lising Green 1610 Speed
- Lissett Greene 1649 Madge
- Lisson Green 1795 Lysons
- The Regents Park 1817 Mogg
- park of Maryborne 1558 Pat
- Marybone Park 1574 PCC
- Marrowbone Park 1649 Madge
- (juxta) boscum prioris Sci Johannis 1294 GDR
- Seynt Johns Woode 1524 VCHii 1547 Pat
- Grete St Johns Wood 1558 Pat
- Portland Rd 1793 Horwood
- Oxford Market 1746 R
- Wigmore Row ib.
- St 1792 Horwood
- Wimple St 1746 R
- Wimpole St 1792 Horwood
- Marybone lane 1649 Madge 1708 Hatton
- Lustie Lane al. Long Lane 1589 Sess
- St Johns Wood Lane 1741–5 R 1794 Survey
- (ad) Sanctum Pancratiū 1086 DB
- eccl. S. Pancratii c.1183 BM
- ecclesia Sancti Pancracii 1428 FA
- Parochia S. Pancratii extra Lond' 1291 Tax 1294 Ass
- parochia Sancti Pancrassi 1353 FA
- Pancras chirche c.1387 Works
- St Pancras in the Fields 1531 FF
- St Pancrace 1558 PCC
- Pancrich 1575 Saxton
- Pankeridge al. St Pancras 1588 Recov
- Pancras 1593 N
- Pankridge church 1613 ParReg(Clerkenwell)
- Pankeridge 1616 FF
- Pancrass 1754 R
- Bradeford 1207 FF
- Bradforth 1454 ADvi
- Bradefordebrigge c.1387 Works
- Bradfordbrege 1492 Williams
- Bradfordbrige in the parish of St Pancras 1532 FF
- Battyl brydge 1559 Hust
- Battle Bridge al. Batford Bridge 1625 Sess
- The Bruel 1741–5 R
- the Bruil 1788 Faden
- Cantelous c.1480 ECP
- Cantlers al. Kentyshetowne 1535 VE
- Cantlers 1686 M
- Cantlowes oth. Cantlers oth. Kentish Town 1793 LCCDeeds
- Kentisston 1208 FF 1348 Ipm
- La Kentisston 1257 FF
- Lakentistone t.Hy3 ADii
- Le Kentesseton 1278 Ass
- Kenteshton, La Kentishton 1294 ib
- Kantistun c.1220 ADii
- Cantisseton c.1235 ib
- Cantish Towne 1650 HornseyCt
- Kentisshtown 1488 FF
- Cantlers al. Kentyshe Towne 1535 VE
- Canewood, Canewoodlane, Canewoodfeldes 1543,1546 LP
- Cane Wood 1558–79 ECP
- Cane Wood 1603–25 1686 M 1750 Seale
- Ken Wood 1741–5 R 1779 Belv
- Cane Feilde c.1539 Harl
- Canelond 1540 MinAcct
- Rugemere 1086 DB 1206 Cur 1291 Tax
- Rugemare 1206 Abbr
- Ruggemere 1207 Cur c.1250 StPauls 1361,1373,1374 Pat
- Bouggemere (sic) 1219 FF
- Roggemere 13th StPauls
- Rogemere 1370 Londin
- Rugmere 1322,1436 Pat
- Rugmer 1535 VE 1539 Rental
- Reggemere (sic) 1341 NI
- Rug Moor Field 1755 LMxASvi
- Sommers Town 1795 Lysons 1799 Horwood
- Somers Town 1819 G
- (of) þottanheale c.1000 ASCharters
- Thottenhal 1235 Ass
- Thotenhal 1241 Cl
- Thotenhale 1274 Ass
- (in) berwika quod Tottenheale appellatur 1042–66 WDB 13th
- Totenhala 1083 WDB 15th
- Totenhal(e) 1184 StPaulsCh 1202 FF 1341 NI
- Totenhall 1349 Cl
- Totehele 1086 DB
- -hale t.Ric1 BM
- Tottehal 1247 FF
- Totnalfeld 1411 ADii
- Totnalcourt 1411 Cl 1422 AD
- Totenhalecourt 1487 Williams
- Tottonhall Court 1518–29 ECP
- Totenhall Courte 1545 LP
- Tottenhall Courte 1588 Recov
- Totten Court 1593 N
- Tottenham Court 1741–5 R
- The Green Lane 1746 R
- le Greneweye t.Hy3 ADiv
- Grenestret t.Ed6 Sess
- Fyggeslane juxta Pancraschirche 1388 Works
- Fyggeslane 1405 StPancSurv
- Fig Lane 1741–5 R 1848 Mogg
- Burton Crescent 1831 Elmes
- the Sandhills 1795 Map
- Elmn Street 1746 R
- Upper Gower St 1799 Horwood 1831 Elmes
- George St 1810 Lockie 1831 Elmes
- Road to Highgate 1746 R
- Black Mary's Hole 1732 PC 1746 R
- Slipshoe Lane 1716 StPancSurv
- Great Store Street 1770 Bowles
- Swayneslane 1492 StPancSurv
- Swayns lane 1609 ib
- Swines lane 1631 ib
- Soredich c.1148,c.1160 ShoreSurv
- Schoredich 1236 FF 1291 Tax
- Soresdic 1183 StPaulsCh
- Soresdich 1242 Fees 1248 FF 1250 HMCiv 1346 Cl
- Soresdych 1275 RH
- S(c)horesdich(e) 1214 Cur 1221,1238 FF 1274,1294 Ass 1288 AD
- Syoresdich 1252 FF
- Schoresdig(h) 1274 Ass
- Shorisdich 1300 Mayors
- Sordige t.John StPaulsMSS
- Sordich 1357 FF
- Sordissh 1491 PCC
- Shordige 1274 Ass
- Shordyk 1323 Londin
- Shordich 1457 FF
- Shoredich al. Shoredick 1650 Madge
- Sorsdich 1255 StPaulsMSS
- Sewersditch 1598 Stow
- Chardesse 1704 ParRegFr
- Hergotestane 1086 DB
- Hergotestune c.1220 Add
- Hergoteston 1274 Ass, Cl
- Heregodeston 1221–30 Fees
- Hergodeston 1274 Ass
- Haregodeston 1242 Fees
- Hargodestone 1250 StPaulsMSS 1303 FF
- Hargarston 1593 ShoreSurv
- Argeston c.1470 ECP
- Argeston al. Hurleston 1566 LnIpm
- Argarston 1549 FF
- Hargolston 1553 ib
- Agerston 1561 FF
- Hagerstone 1798 Stockdale
- Haggiston 1680 S
- Agoston 1797 Stockdale
- fons qui dicitur Haliwelle c.1100 Dugdiv 1337
- Haliwell(e) 1179 P late12th BM 1388 Pap
- Halewell 1274 Ass 1295 LBk 1314 Ipm
- Halywell al. Vynesbury 1393 Pat
- Halywell 1426 EEW 1428 FA
- Hallywell near London 1568 FF
- Holywell 1510 PCC
- Holliwell 1576 ib
- Hochestone 1086 DB
- Hockeston 1545 FF
- Hockesdon 1593 N
- Hocston 1221 FF
- Hoxton(e) c.1250 StPauls 1291 Tax 1322 Pat 1362 Londin
- Hogeston 1370 FF 1371 Cl
- Hogeston al. Hocston 1504 Pat
- Hogesdon 1528 FF
- Hogesdon al. Hoxton 1625 PCC
- Hoggeston 1352 Cl 1443 FF 1500 ECP
- Hoggesdon 1501 ChancP
- Hoggeston al. Hoggesdon 1553 FF
- Hoggston 1503 ECP
- Hogston, Hogsdon 1546 LnIpm
- Hogsden 1593 N
- Hodgson 1610 BenJonson,Alchemist
- Haxton 1745 R
- Terra Nortune t.Hy1 StPaulsCh
- Nortonfolyot 1433 FF
- Norton Folyet 1456 Pat
- Nortonfoly 1458 FF
- Norton Folyot 1478 ib
- Norton Folgate 1556 ib
- Norton Folgate otherwise Norton Folyott 1568 ib
- Norton Fallgate 1697 ParReg(Stepney)
- Norton 1324 FF
- Wenlakesbir' c.1250 StPauls
- Wenlokesbern, Wenlokesbur', Wenlokesberi, Wellokesberne, Welkesberne 1274 Ass
- Welkesberi 1291 Tax
- Wenlokes Barne 1535 VE
- Wenlockes Barne 1557 FF
- Wenlocke Barn 1817 Wilkinson
- Wallokesbern(e) 1294 Ass 1318 Pat 1341 NI
- Wallokes Berne, Walokes Berne 1337 Cl 1558 Sess
- Wainelocks Barn 1592 Moulton
- Queen Street ib.
- The Curtain Road 1682 Morgan 1677 OandM
- The Curtain ib.
- The Curtayne playhouse 1603 SP
- close called the Curteyn 1544 ShoreSurv
- house called the Curtayne 1586 ib
- Willow Walk 1745 ib
- Haberdashers Hospital 1746 R
- the common waie leadynge towards Hackney 1585 ShoreSurv
- Hargarston lane 1593 ib
- Haliwellelane 1382 Cor
- Hoxton strete 1467 ADvi
- Hoxdon way 1545 LP
- Hyde Lane 1558 ShoreSurv
- The North Road 1682 Morgan
- Kingsland Road 1720 ShoreSurv
- Dirty Lane 1745 ShoreSurv
- Webbes lane al. White Hart lane 1589 ib
- Petfield Street 1720 Strype 1746 R
- Pitfield Street 1732 PC
- Pyttefeld 1556 Tomlins
- field called Pitfield 1625 ShoreSurv
- Shoredyche strete 1550 FF
- Haliwellestrete 1294 Ass 1313 FF
- Holywelle streete 1601 Ellis
- Copt Hall Yard 1676 ShoreSurv
- Hog(g) Lane 1660 Porter 1677 OandM
- Worship St 1745 ShoreSurv
- (of) Stybbanhyþe c.1000 ASCharters
- Stibenhed(e) 1086 DB
- Stibenheth(e) 1274,1294 Ass 1275 Pat
- Stybeney 1232 Bracton
- Stibenhythe 1294 Ass
- Stybenhithe 1337 Ipm
- Stebbenheda early12th StPaulsMSS
- Stebenee 1198 FF
- Stebehee 1199,1218 ib
- Stebenheth(e), Stebeneth(e) 1242 Fees 1274 Ass 1291 Tax 1353 FA
- Stebenheithe 1274 Ass
- Stebeneyth 1358 FF
- Stebenhithe 1291 Ch 1288,1315 ADi 1349 Orig
- Stebenhuth(e) 1294 Ass 1316 FA 1319 ADi
- Stubbehid(a) 1172,1174 P
- Stubbehuda 1177 ib
- Stubbenheth(e) 1289 ADii 1362 Orig
- Stubehed(a) 1173 P
- Stubeheða 1175 ib
- Stubenhee 1199 Cur
- Stubenheth(e) 1268 Pat 1294 Ass
- Stubenhuth ib.
- Stibbehed(e) 1178 P 1219 FF
- Stibbeheye 1222,1224 Bracton
- Stibbenhith 1243 Cl
- Stibbenhethe 1299 LBk
- Stebbehey 1230 Bracton
- Stebbehuth 1235 Ass
- Stebbenheth 1291 Tax
- Stebbunhuth 1323 ADi
- Stebunheth 1535 VE
- Stebunheth al. Stepneie 1591 PCC
- Stibbeneie al. Stebenuthe 1274 Ipm
- Stebbintheth (sic) 1277 FF
- Stybenhithe 1300 LBk
- Stepenhithe 1370 FF
- Stepenheth 1399 Pat 1452 FF
- Stepynhithe 1400 Pat
- Stepneth(e) 1429 ChronStAlb
- Steppeneygh 1499 FF
- Stepneyhyth 1516 ib
- Stebenheth al. Stepney 1466 IpmR
- Stepneth 1491 Pat 1543 FF 1552 PCC
- Stebnheth al. Stepney 1542 FF
- Stevenhyth 1525 FF
- Knockfergus 1597 ParReg 1613 Sess
- Knockvergus 1613,1661 ParReg
- Knockverges 1624 ib
- Cable Street heretofor called Knockfergus 1695 Sess
- Knock Fergus 1793 Cary
- le Lymhostes 1367 Cor 1370 Works
- les Lymhostes 1380 ADi
- le Lymhostes juxta le Redeclyf 1382 Cor
- Les Lymehostes near London 1387 Pat
- le Lymost by Stebynheth 1421 Pat
- Lymost 1496 FF 1504 PCC
- Lymehurst(e) 1535 VE
- Lymehurst al. Lymehoste 1547 LP
- Lymehouse 1547 FF
- Lymouses 1550 Pat
- Limehouse Buttes 1566 Sess
- Limehouse Reache 1588 Walford
- La Mile ende 1288 Ipm
- Milehende 1298 Mayors
- le Milende 1307 GDR
- la Milende 1383 Pat
- Milhende 1412 ADvi
- Mylle end gren 1554 Machyn
- Mileindgrene 1605 ParReg
- Mylesende 1395 Works
- Mileshende in the parish of Stebenheth 1404 Pat
- Le Milesinde 1405 ib
- the Miles ende 1603 Stow
- Sprusons Iland 1628,1629 ParReg
- Prusens Iland 1635 ib
- Sprusonds Iland 1647 ib
- Sprusande Iland 1649 ib
- Sprusens Island 1654,1656 PCC
- Sprusands Island 1671 ParReg
- Pruson Island 1698 ib
- Prusands 1667 ParReg
- la Rede clive 1294 GDR
- la Redeclyve juxta Stubenheth 1307 ib
- la Redeclyf 1380,1438 Pat
- Radeclyve 1305 Pat
- Radclif, Radclyf 1422,1430 FF
- Radclyffe 1550 Pat
- la Radeclyff 1502 ib
- Redclyve 1363 Pat
- Redclyf' p.1394 Works
- Redclyf' in the parish of Stebunhith 1414 Hust
- le Reedclyff 1442 Pat
- Ratclyff(e) 1524 LP 1562 FF
- Ra(c)klif 1555,1592 PCC
- Ratlif 1596 ParReg
- Schadewell(e), Shadewell(e) 1222 Bracton 1223 FF 1235,1294 Ass 1314 Pat
- Scaldewell 1314 Cl
- Shaldewell 1316 Ch
- Field called Lollesworthe in the parish of Stepney 1278 StPaulsMSS
- Lollesworth 1540 LP
- Spittellond 1399 StPaulsMSS
- The Spitel Fyeld t.Eliz Agas
- Spyttlefeildes 1561 Sess
- Spittell Feild 1588 ib
- Spitrefils 1708 ParRegFr
- Spittle Heape otherwise Lollisworth, Spittle Fields al. Lolsworth Fields in the parish of Stebunheath t.Eliz ChancP
- Spittle Hope c.1650 ib
- molendina de Wapping' 1218–26 StPaulsCh
- mill called Wapping in Stebbehey 1231 FF
- Wappyng 1436 Pat
- Wappinges 1231 Bracton 1272 Pat
- Wappingge atte Wose 1345 ADii
- Wappyngge 1346 1372 Cor
- Wapping in the Woose 1504–15 ECP
- Wapping in the Woze 1598 Stow
- Wallemarshe al. Wapping Marshe 1562 Sess
- Woppin 1650 Sess
- St Mary de Mattefelon 1282 Hust
- Church of St Mary Matrefelun ib.
- St Mary Matefelun 1320 StPaulsMSS 1323 Cl
- St Mary Maderfelon 1352 FF
- parish of the Blessed Mary Matfelon of White Chapell 1452 ib
- parish of St Mary Matefelon al. Whitechappel 1566 Sess
- New Chapel without Aldgate 1295 Misc
- Whitechapele by Algate 1340 Pat
- la White Chapel 1344 Pleas
- Whitechapele 1348 FF
- Whitechapelle 1359 ib
- Whitechapelle in Algatestrete 1363 ib
- (apud) Albam Capellam extra Algate 1342 Ass
- la Whitechapele without Algate 1370 ADii
- Witschaepel 1550 Aliens
- Woitechapel 1708 ParRegFr
- Minorie street 1624 Aliens
- Estsmethefeld juxta Turrim 1229 Cl
- Est Smythefeld 1272 FF
- Est Smethefeld 1274 Ass 1275 RH
- Smethefeud 1297 Ipm
- Tourhulle 1343 ADii
- le Tourhill 1348 Hust
- la Tourhulle 1399 Cor
- Toerhil' 1550 Aliens
- Union St 1799 Horwood
- Ayloffe Street 1617 Allgood 1691,1702 Sess
- Ayliff Street 1746 R
- Artichoak Hill ib.
- Artyllerye lane 1600 Aliens
- Artillerieyeard 1603 Stow
- Artillery Ground 1682 Morgan
- Tasell close 1603 Stow
- Church Lane 1682 Morgan
- Cow Lane 1799 Horwood 1855 Map
- Worlds End 1746 R
- Bettstreet 1696 ParReg
- Bett 1620 ib
- Blacaigle street 1717 ParRegFr
- Bostwick Street ib.
- Bostock 1613 ParReg
- Bostweeke 1639 ib
- Pesthouse Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1720 Strype
- Breze Hill 1746 R
- (The) Brick Lane 1542 RobinsonH 1619 ParReg
- Brickkill lane 1622 ib
- Brokstrete 1405 StPauls
- Brokestrate 1409 ADi
- Brokestrete 1453 Pat
- Spicers street 1697 ParReg
- Spicer Street 1746 R
- Bluegate Street 1692 Sess
- Cannon street 1697 ib
- la rue du Canon 1701 Aliens
- Castle Street 1682 Morgan 1697 ParReg
- Red Cow Lane 1746 R 1808 Cary
- George Street 1682 Morgan 1746 R
- New Commercial Road 1808 Cary
- Sermon Lane 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- C(h)rispin Street 1677 OandM 1682 Morgan
- Crispian Street 1696 ParReg
- Crispin 1629 ib
- Salt Peter Bank 1708 Hatton
- Salt Petre Bank 1746 R
- Dorcetstreet 1697 ParReg
- Darse Street 1708 ParRegFr
- Fashion Street 1676 ParReg 1682 Morgan
- Fashions street, Fashons street 1697 ParReg
- Whitechapel Field Gate 1746 R
- Flower de Luce Alley 1685 ParReg
- Flowerdelis Street and Flowerdelis Alley 1746 R
- Dean and Flower Street 1677 OandM 1682 Morgan
- Dean and Flowers Street 1697 ParReg
- Deane and Floers Street 1698 ib
- Flower and Deane street 1700 ib
- Floordin Street 1702 Aliens
- Flower 1578,1617 ParReg
- White Lyon Yard 1746 R
- Church Street 1746 R
- Foxes lane 1636 ParReg
- Fox Lane 1682 Morgan
- Fox 1573 ParReg
- Goodman 1604 ParReg
- Gravell lane 1619 ib
- Old Gravell lane 1625 ib
- New Gravell lane 1628 ib
- The Greenebanke 1641 ib
- Gre Aygle Stret 1705 ParRegFr
- le Grove strete 1376 ADii
- Gun Lane 1703 Gascoyne
- Brounes Lane 1697 ParReg
- Browne 1568 ib
- Harris's Court 1746 R
- Hermitage 1592 PCC
- Armitage 1642 ParReg 1682 Morgan
- Upper Shadwell 1682 Morgan
- Hunt Street 1703 Gascoyne 1720 Strype
- King David's Lane 1746 R
- Lam Street 1697 ParReg
- Lamb Street 1746 R
- Lambert Street 1702 Sess 1746 R
- Lemmon Street 1692 Sess
- Leman Street 1694 ib
- Lemon Street 1746 R
- Lemman 1627 ParReg
- Limehouse Casey 1680 ib
- Cutthroat Lane 1746 R
- Loweden 1676 ParReg
- Mansell 1585 ParReg
- Shadwell Market 1746 R
- Queen Street 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Oldestrete 1383 Works
- Milke Yard 1658 PCC
- Monntague Street 1698 Sess
- Montegue Strit 1704 Aliens
- place called the Mount 1691 Sess
- Nightingale Lane 1543 LP 1658 PCC
- Nechtingal leane 1624 Aliens
- The Rope Walk 1746 R
- Pearle Street 1676 ParReg
- Pellam Street 1697 ParReg
- Pelemme Street 1705 ParRegFr
- Silver Street 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Pennington Street, Penningtons Street 1697 ParReg
- Penington 1607 ib
- Prescot 1627 ParReg
- Princes Street 1746 R
- King street 1653 ParReg 1746 R
- Kingstreete 1660 PCC
- Quaker Street 1691 Sess
- Quoakre Street 1698 ParRegFr
- Coacre Street 1704 ib
- Couaquer Street 1707 ib
- Redmans Row 1808 Cary
- Redman 1615 ParReg
- Mile End Green Lane 1746 R
- Redmade lane 1669 ParReg
- Redmayd lane 1674 ib
- Redmaid lane 1703 Gascoyne 1708 Hatton 1746 R
- Rogues Well 1651 StepneyMem 1703 Gascoyne 1720 Strype
- Rhode's Well 1746 R
- Ropemaker(s) Feild 1640 ParReg 1703 Gascoyne
- Heggestrete (sic) t.Ed3 ADii
- Hogge- 1321 Cor 1366 Cl
- Hoglane 1544 LP
- Rosemary Lane t.Jas1 ECP 1608 ParReg 1811
- Hoglane al. Rosemarylane 1633 Recov
- St Annes laine 1651 ParReg
- The highway at Ratclyf 1561 Sess
- Ratcliffe high way 1641 Hust
- Salmon 1623 StepneyMem
- Sermon Lane 1746 R
- School(e) House Lane, Schol(e) House Lane 1628 ParReg 1682 Morgan
- Shepherds Gardens 1746 R
- Spitelstrete 1235 FF
- Spittlestreet 1697 ParReg
- Bull Lane 1746 R
- la Cauce 1382 Cor
- Stepney Causeway 1703 Gascoyne
- Swan Alley ib.
- Thrale Streete 1665 ParReg
- Throll Streete 1677 OandM 1682 Morgan
- Thrall Streete 1697 ParReg
- Thrawl 1626 ib
- Threecolt street 1638 ib
- The Iron Gate 1708 Hatton
- Iron Gate 1746 R
- Virginia Row 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Wapping St 1703 Gascoyne
- Wappin old stayres 1658 ParReg
- Wappinge Walle 1611 ib
- Weaver's Alley 1746 R
- Wentworthstreete 1619 ib
- Wheelerstreete 1660 ParReg
- Whiler Street 1708 Aliens
- Wheler 1589 ParReg
- Whitechappell strete 1568 ADiv
- Clyvestre (sic) 1371 Works
- Whitehorsstreete 1595 ParReg
- Clyff strete c.1600 LMxASvi
- Cleave Street al. White Horse Street 1617 Allgood
- White Row 1696 ParReg 1746 R
- Glasshouse Street ib.
- Munmouth Street 1677 ParReg
- Monmouth Street 1703 Gascoyne 1746 R
- Chapelstrate 1317 ADvi
- Neutone 1086 DB
- Neutona 1152–60 BM
- Neweton 1197 FF
- Newtun 1245 Ch
- Newtun Canonicorum 1254 Val 1322 Pat
- Neuton juxta Clerekennewelle 1274 FF
- Newinthon 1255 Misc
- Newenton 1274 Ass
- Newynton 1286 Ch 1387 Pat
- Neweton Stocking, Stoken 1274 Ass
- Stokneweton 1274 Ass
- Stokene Neuton, Stoke Newenton 1294 ib
- Stokneuton 1316 FA
- Stokeneweton 1391 Pat
- Stokenewnton 1459 BM
- Stokenewington 1535 VE
- Newington 1549 FF
- The Lordship lane 1734 RobinsonSN
- Newyngtongrene 1480 Pat
- Wellesdune 939 BCS737 14th
- Wellesdone 1086 DB 1274 Ass
- Welesdone 1298 ADiv
- Willesdone 939 BCS737 14th
- Willesdon(a) 1181 StPaulsDB 1535 VE
- Willesden 1290 FF 1535 VE
- Wilesdune 1185 BM 1229–41 StPaulsMSS
- Wylesdune 13th ADv 1294 Ass
- Wullesdon 1248 FF
- Woolsdon 1724 ParReg
- Wyllendon 1274 Ass
- Wylsdon 1563 FF
- Willesdon al. Wilsdon 1658 Recov
- Wilsdon 1675 Ogilby
- Tueverde 1086 DB
- Twiferde 1183 StPaulsCh
- Twiferd, Twifierd 1219 FF
- Twiverd 1222 StPaulsDB
- Twiferd c.1250 StPauls
- Twiford 1199 Cur
- Twyford al. Twyforth 1402 Pap
- Westwyford 1274 Ass
- Est Twyford next Wylesdon 1294 FF
- Twyver 1562 FF
- Bronnesburie 1254 Val
- Brondesbury 1291 Tax 1366 Londin
- Brondesbiri 1328 Pap
- Brounesbury 1322,1468 Pat
- prebende de Braundes 1341 NI
- Bromeswode al. Bromesbury 1346 Pap
- Brundesbury 1535 VE
- Broomsbury 1638 Lysons
- Cha(u)mberleyneswod 1254 Val 1291 Tax
- Chaumberleyne Wode 1322 Pat
- p'bende de Chaumbres 1341 NI
- Daleson (sic) Hill 1593 N
- Dalleys Hill 1612 AllSouls
- Dalleyes Hill 1619 ib
- Dallis 1710 S
- Dollys 1754 R
- Dolleys Hill 1819 G
- Dodynghill 1544 DeedsEnrolled
- Doddinge Hill 1549 Pat
- Fortune Gate 1680 S
- Herulvestune 1086 DB
- Herleston 1195 StPaulsCh 1197 StPaulsMSS 1241 Londin 1330 FF
- Herlesdon 1291 Tax
- Harleston 1365 FF 1795 Lysons
- Harlesdon 1564 FF
- Harlesden 1606 BM
- Holsdon greene 1650 Feret
- Kingisholte 1253 FF
- Kingesholt 1290 Ipm
- Kyngesholt 1367 Cl
- Kynsale Grene 1550 Pat
- Kensoll grene 1557 1593 AllSouls
- Kensell Grene 1658 ParReg(Kensington)
- Canselgreene 1653 ParReg(Kensington)
- Cancelgrene 1654 ib
- Mapesberi c.1250 StPauls
- Mapesbury 1254 Val 1291 Tax
- Mappesber' ib.
- Mapesbury 1309 Londin 1341 NI 1391 Pat
- Mapesbery 1322 ib
- (ad) Neasdune 939 BCS737 14th
- (of) Neosdune c.1000 ASCharters
- Niesdon 1194 P
- Nisedon 1194 CR
- Nesdone 1254 Val 1291 Tax 1322 Pat 1322 ADiv
- Nesedon 1320 ADv
- Nesedem (sic) 1507 Pat
- Nisdon 1326 Pat
- Neesdon 1535 VE
- Needsden 1750 Seale
- Oxegate c.1250 StPauls 13th ADv 1248 Cl 1254 Val 1291 Tax 1298 ADiv 1322 Pat
- (grove of) Sirewic 1226 ADv
- (brook called) Scyrewyk 1306 ADv
- Shirwykbrigg, Shirwykstrete 1425 ADiv
- Scher(e)wykfeld 1306 ADiv,v
- Sherewick lane 1556 StPancSurv
- Shirrewykfeldes 1449 ADiv
- Sherricke 1593 AllSouls
- Sherrick Wood 1650 ParlSurv
- Shirick Green 1754 R
- Sherrick Green c.1815 EnclA
- Willesdone Grene 1254 Val 1322 Pat
- Wilsdon grene 1584 AllSouls
- the Churchend 1593 AllSouls
- Green Hill 1822 O.S.
- Long(e)croft(e) 1593 AllSouls
- Hunger Hill 1416,1593 AllSouls
- Duddinghill lane 1593 AllSouls
- Harrowe way 1593 AllSouls
- Honeypot Hill 1741–5 R 1825 O.S.
- Kilbournelane 1593 AllSouls
- Nisdon Lane 1741–5 R
- the lane that ledith from Neasdon to Willesdon grene 1593 AllSouls
- Perycrofte lane 1593 AllSouls
- Warme lane 1593 AllSouls
- Warne Lane 1595 Sess
- Walm Lane 1741–5 R
- Wealm lane 1819 G
- Mapes lane 1352 Potter 1741–5 R
- Maplislane (sic) 1383 Works
'At the stone of Oswulf ,' v. stan .