English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Beetham

Historical Forms

  • Hale Cat, Halekat 1256 Kendii,251
  • Halecatt 1770 Bthm
  • Halkat 1280 FF 1354 ChancM
  • Hall catt 1631 Dep


Halecat, Hale Cat , Halekat 1256 Kend ii, 251, Halecatt 1770 Bthm, Halkat 1280FF , 1354ChancM (a wood), Hall catt 1631Dep , possibly an inversion compound of halh 'nook of land' and ON  Káti , or ON  hali 'animal's tail', which is used in Norw  p.ns. like Katralen 'cat's tail' (NG i, 44) or Dan  Kattehale (DaSN(Sj) xxxi, 377) to denote a long narrow piece of arable land (cf. NGIndl 52, J. Sahlgren, Ort - namnssällskapet , Uppsala 1948, 8 ff). The second el. would be OE  catt 'cat, wild-cat'.

Places in the same Parish

Other OS name

Early-attested site