English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Kirk Sandall

Major Settlement in the Parish of Kirk Sandall

Historical Forms

  • Sandal(e), Sandala 1086 DB 1164–81 YChviii 1180–5 1190 P 1190–1200 YCh821 1199 Ch 1232 P 1230 PT 1379
  • Minori Sandal(e) 1091–7,1180–1202 YChviii
  • Sandal(e) Parua 1147 YChviii
  • Majori Sandal(e) 1197 Ebor 1301
  • Kirk(e) Sandal(e), Kyrk(e) Sandal(e) 1261 FF 1276 RH 1284 Baild 1328 Banco 1822 Langd
  • Sandhala 1148 YCh179
  • Saundhal' 1221 Cur
  • Saundal 1234 FF
  • Sandall(e) 1279 YI 1375 BM 1409 DiocV 1525 Testvi
  • Kirk(e) Sandall(e), Kyrk(e) Sandall(e) 1438 Linds 1489 FF 1530 Testv 1641 Rates


'Sandy nook of land', v. sand , halh , and cf. Sandal Magna ii, 107infra . The halh here denotes a piece of flat ground in a sharp bend of an old course of the R. Don (as it does also in Long Sandall infra ).It is distinguished from the latter by reference to its church (v. kirkja ), of which mention is made in many of the documents cited (as in 1147 YCh viii, 1197 (1301) Ebor, etc.). The affixes minori , parva 'less, small', when the documents also make mention of the church, sometimes refer to Kirk Sandall rather than Long Sandall, and the place is so described in relation to Sandal Magna, which was also in the Warren fee. On the AN  spelling Saundal cf. IPN 105.