English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Cold Keld Gill

Early-attested site in the Parish of Horton in Ribblesdale

Historical Forms

  • Cald(e)keld(e) 1190–1356 Furn 1307 YI
  • Cald(e)keld(e) super Campe 1401 Furn
  • the Cold Keld Ric2 Whit


Cold Keld Gill, Cald (e )keld (e )1190–1356 Furn (freq ), 1307 YI, Cald (e )keld (e ) super Campe 1401 Furn, the Cold Keld Ric 2 Whit 506. 'Cold spring', v. cald , kelda . There are several springs here near the top of Cam Fell.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name

Major Settlement