English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

High Melton

Major Settlement in the Parish of High Melton

Historical Forms

  • Middeltun, Mideltone, Medeltone 1086 DB
  • Madaltuna 1148 YCh179
  • Meheltonie 13 ADv
  • Mealtona 13 Dugdv
  • Methelton' 1208 FF
  • Methylton 1252 YI
  • Meauton 1252 YI
  • Meuton 1269 Ch
  • Meltun, Melton 1248 YI 1276 RH 1279–81 QW 1303 KF 1316 Vill 1428 FA
  • Melton le He(y)g 1285 KI
  • Hegh Melton 1342 FF 1379 PT 1425 Pat
  • High(e) Melton 1403 Pat 1569 WillY 1739 PRHtnP
  • Hie Melton 1546 WillY
  • Melton super montem 1535 VE 1675 Comm52
  • Melton (up)on (the) Hill 1546 FF 1590 WillY 1771 M
  • Melton on the Hill als. Heigh Melton 1588 FF


'Middle farmstead or village', v. middel , tūn ; it is half-way between Sprotbrough and Barnburgh. The history of the forms is interesting.OE  middel was replaced by the cognate ON  meðal (in Medel -, Methelton , etc.). Through AN influence medial -ð - was replaced by a hiatus-filler -h - (Meheltonie ) and then lost (Mealtana , Melton ), and sometimes the -l - was vocalised (Meau -, Meuton ); on these AN changes cf. IPN 110, 111, Zachrisson, ANInfl 146 ff. Bolton 83, pt. iv, pt. v and West Melton 114infra have similar developments through French influence. For the affixes 'high' and 'on the hill', v. hēah , hyll .