English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Souther Scales

Early-attested site in the Parish of Bentham

Historical Forms

  • Suterscales 1202–8 Ass 1214 Abbr 1251,1253 Furn
  • Souterscales 1204–1255 1607 PR
  • Souterschales 1260,1401 Furn
  • Souterskailes 1658 WillS
  • Salterscalls 1619 PR
  • Sauterskill, Sawterskill 1658,1662 ib


Souther Scales, 1799 PR, Suterscales 1202–8 Ass, 1214 Abbr, 1251, 1253 Furn, Souterscales 1204–1255 ib (freq ), 1607 PR, Souterschales 1260, 1401 Furn, Souterskailes 1658 WillS, Salterscalls 1619 PR, Sauterskill , Sawterskill 1658, 1662 ib. 'Sutari's shielings', v. skáli . The first el. is the ON  byname Sútari (v. sútari 'shoe-maker'), confused later with sauter 'a salter'.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Other OS name

Major Settlement