English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Aston cum Aughton

Historical Forms

  • Actone, Hactone, Hacstone 1086 DB
  • Acton(a) 12 YDxii,99 13 YDxvi,84 1202,1219 FF 1224 Pat Hy3 BM 1248 FF 1320 YDxii,103
  • Hactona l.12 YChvi 1316 BM
  • Acthona 1328 BM
  • Achton 1365 YDviii
  • Aghton 1323 YDxii,103 1334 Ch 1345 BM 1355 FF 1489 YDxvi,86 1604 FF
  • Aighton, Ayghton 1399 BM 1658 WillS
  • Aughton 1532 FF 1560 WillY 1822 Langd


'Oak-tree farmstead', v. āc , tūn , a common p.n. as in Ackton ii, 85infra . In Aughton, -c - became -gh - before -t -, as in many other p.ns. like Aughton YE 237, Broughton pt. vi infra , etc. (v. Phonol. § 38).