Monks Kirby
Major Settlement in the Parish of Monks Kirby
Historical Forms
- Kirkeberia, Kirkebiria 1077 Monast
- Chircheberie 1086 DB
- Kirkebi c.1160 BM 1169 Ch 1171to1184 P 1198 BM 1535 VE
- Kirchebey c.1170 BirmDeed
- Kirkebi Monachorum 1199 ClR
- Kirkebi Moynes 1305 Ch 1400 Pat
- Kerkebi 1175 P
- Monkenkirkeby 1416 FF
- Monks Kyrkeby 1427 ADv
- Mounkeskirkeby 1439 ADiii
- Kirkbye 1546 LP
- Monkes Kirbye ib.
- Monckes Kerby 1578 ADv
- Kerbey 1627 SR
'Church village,' v. kirkja , by . For the DB form v. Introd. xxii.Geoffrey de Wirce gave land here to the monks of St Nicholas of Angers in 1077 (Dugdale 50).