English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Laxton

Historical Forms

  • Lastone 1086 DB
  • Laxton(a) 1166 P
  • Laxeton(a) 1131 P 1198 Fees 1275 FF
  • Laxinton(a) 12th Survey 1222 Bracton
  • Lextone 1226 WellsR
  • Lexitone 1231 WellsR
  • Laxon al. Laxton 1723 Recov


Lax is a Scandinavian nickname from lax , 'salmon,' and this p.n. may be for Laxestun , hence 'Lax 's farm,' v. tun . For Laxintone cf. note on Geddington supra 166. Dr Smith notes the parallels of Laxton (Nt)Laxintune DB, Laxton 1291 Tax and Laxton (ERY), Laxinton DB, Laxton 1285 FA.

Places in the same Parish