Early-attested site in the Parish of Kirklington
Historical Forms
- Opsala, Upsale 1086 DB
- Oppeslunde 1184 RichReg
- Upselund 1280 Ass
- Uppeslunde 1285 KI
- Uppeslounde 1301 LS
- Uppeslond 1406 YI
- Uppislande 1556 FF
- Upesland 1571 FF
The DB form Upsale means 'upper hall' (v. Upsall 158supra ).The first element of the later spellings can hardly be from ON ups , 'steep cliff,' which is common in Norw place-names (Rygh, NG Indledning 83), for though the house is on the top of a small hill there is no cliff or steep bank in the neighbourhood.Probably it is really Uppes (ale )lund from the name of the place mentioned in DB and lundr.