Major Settlement in the Parish of Littlebury
Historical Forms
- (into) Lyt(t)lanbyrig 1004 LibEl 12th ASWills c.1000
- Litlebiri 1004 KCD711 18th
- Littelbirig 11th KCD907 c.1200
- Littelberig 1042–66 LibEl 12th
- Litelbyriā 1086 DB
- Lit(t)leberi 1086 InqEl
- Lit(t)lebir(e) 1202 FF
- Lit(t)lebir(e) Ep'i 1255 Ass
- Lit(t)lebury 1324 Londin
- Lutlebury, Luthebiry 1303 FA
- Luthebury, Lytelbury 1428 FA
'The little fort,' v. burh . The reference is to the prehistoric Ring Hill Camp. v. HM i, 191. Episcopi because the manor was held of the Bishop of Ely t. Hy 2.