English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

St Botolph's Bridge

Early-attested site in the Parish of Colchester

Historical Forms

  • pontem Godulfi 13th Colch
  • Godulves bregge 13th Oath
  • Botulphesbregg 1311 Ct
  • Godolffesbregge 1360 ColchA
  • Godulnes Bredge alias Botolphes Bredge 1563 Oath


St Botolph's Bridge (6″) [bʌtlz] is pontem Godulfi 13th Colch, Godulves bregge 13th Oath, Botulphesbregg 1311 Ct, Godolffesbregge 1360ColchA , Godulnes Bredge alias Botolphes Bredge 1563 Oath. 'Gōdwulf 's bridge.' Gōdwulf is a rare OE name, which was early replaced by the better-known Botolph , the Norman form of OE  Bōtwulf . The name was then popularly connected with that of the priory of St Botolph, the patron saint of wayfarers. Cf. Botolph Bridge (PN BedsHu 194 and xli).