Major Settlement in the Parish of Birdbrook
Historical Forms
- Bridebroc 1086 DB
- Bridbroc 1258–1307 WDB
- Brid(e)brok(e) 1248 Ass 1346 FA
- Bryd(e)bro(o)k 1294–1331 WAM 1428 FA
- Bradebrock 1248 Ass
- Bradebroke 1485 FF
- Briddesbroke 1285 Ass
- Briddebrok(e) 1292 Ch 1331 WAM
- Bryddebroke 1295 ib
- Bredebrok(e) 1292–1300 WAM 1295 Pat
- Brudebrok 1302 FF
- Brodebroke 1362 IpmR
- Brybroke 1381 ib
- Birdbrok(e) 1432 IpmR 1535 VE 1559 Lancs
- Burdebroke 1500 Ipm
- Burbrooke or Bridbroke 1594 N
- Bridbrook 1713 Deed
This name probably means just what its modern form suggests, viz. 'birds' brook,' and is derived from OE brid (d )a-broc , 'brook of the young birds,' though it should be noted that forms with single d are found earlier than those with double d .At a later stage there seems to have been some confusion as to the first element.