Major Settlement in the Parish of Mercaston
Historical Forms
- Merchenestune 1086 DB
- Murcan(e)ston(e), Murkan(e)ston(e), Murkaniston(e), -ton(e) c.1141 Tutbury 1252 RadCh 1269 Ass 1292 RadCh 1298 Ipm
- Murkenistone c.1300 DbCh
- Murcamston 1243 Fees
- Mirkeneston 1203 P
- Murkelistone 1245 FF
- Murkaliston Ed1 WollCh
- Mercaniston, Merkaniston 1247,1283 RadCh
- Markanston 1296 Abbr
- Murcaston(e), Murkaston(e) 1252 RadCh 1281 Ass 1288,1292 RadCh 1302 FA 1328 Banco 1330 Ass 1391 WollCh
- Murkestone 1281 Ass
- Myrkaston(e), Mircaston(e), Mirkaston(e) 1330 Ass 1335 Tutbury 1348 Cor 1390 EveryCh 1392 Pat 1404,1418 WollCh 1675 Ogilby
Professor Bruce Dickins suggests that this is 'Merchiaun's farm', v. tūn ; cf. Maughonby (PN Cu 194). The first element is the PrW pers.n. *Merchiōn (Lat Marciānus ).