Early-attested site in the Parish of Hulland Ward
Historical Forms
- Maunsel park 1298 Ipm 1329 Pat 1330 QW 1346 Pat
- parcus de Maunshull 1408 For 1417 MinAcct Hy8 DuLaMB
- Mannsyll Parke 1541 DuLa
- Parke of Mannshall otherwyse called Manncefylde 1561 ib
- parci de Manshull 1576 DuLaMB
- Mauncell parke 1587 ib
- Mannsfelde alias Manshull Park 1603 Portland
Mansellpark, Maunsel park 1298 Ipm, 1329 Pat, 1330 QW, 1346 Pat, parcus de Maunshull 1408For , 1417MinAcct , Hy 8DuLaMB , Mannsyll Parke 1541DuLa , Parke of Mannshall otherwyse called Manncefylde 1561 ib, parci de Manshull 1576DuLaMB , Mauncell parke 1587 ib, Mannsfelde alias Manshull Park 1603Portland , cf. Maunysshylle loge 1495DuLa . This is a difficult name and perhaps the explanation is that the first element is the OFr pers.n. Mansel , which appears in ME as Maunsel , Mauncel , etc. Hence 'Mansel's park', v. park .No reference has been found to him or to his family. Cf. Mansel's Fold (NCPNW 122).