Monk's Bridge
Early-attested site in the Parish of Egginton
Historical Forms
- pontem de Egentona super aquam de Dove 1255 BurtAn
- pontem Monachorum 1330 Ass
- le Munkbrugg' 1383 Cor
- Monkebrigge 1394 Pat
- Lytulmonkbryge 1406 EveryCh
Monk's Bridge, pontem de Egentona super aquam de Dove 1255 BurtAn, pontem Monachorum 1330Ass , le Munkbrugg '1383Cor , Monkebrigge 1394 Pat, Lytulmonkbryge 1406EveryCh . In 1255 the bridge was in need of repair and a suit was held as to who was respon- sible for the costs. It was built by a prior of the Abbey of Burton by special licence from the abbot, 1255 BurtAn. v. munuc , brycg .