Brook Plant
Other OS name in the Parish of Kirkby Wharfe
. , cf. Brook Field 1850TA , v. brōc .
Places in the same Parish
Other OS name
- Bar Plant
- Batter Ness
- Broadrow Plant
- Cock Bridge & Cock Mouth
- Dalton Wood
- Grimston Park
- Grimston Hills
- Hackenby Dike
- Limekiln Wood
- Mill Lane
- Seavy Carr Wood
- Tasker (Wood)
- Lower Wood & Upper Wood
- Brecks Plant
- Coldwell Head Plant
- Corking Hill
- The Croft
- Crow Wood
- Dish Hole Plant
- Dollyhill Dike
- Kirkby Grange & Kirkby Ings
- Ladyflats Belt
- New Bridge
- North Ing
- North Milford Grange
- North Milford Hall
- Paddock Houses
- Raw Lane
- Rush Pit Spring