County Town in the County of Oxfordshire
Historical Forms
- Oxnaforda 912 ASC c.925
- Oxenaforda 1059 StDenis 11th
- Oxeneford 1086 DB
- Oxineforþ' c.1130 AddCh
- Oxineford 1316 Ch
- Oxenfordie a.1139 S c.1280
- Oxonia 1185 Templars
- Ocsenford c.1190 Harl
- Oxoneford' 1212 Fees
- Friars meadow 1838 Bodl
- Botleigh Meade 1639 Bodl
- Sydlyngis 1388 Godstow c.1450
- Sydlinges 1576 Bodl
- Burgesmeade 1442 OxRoyLet
- Horston' 1358 Frid c.1425
- Kingesmed c.1115 Abingdon c.1225
- Medeheye alias Kyngesmede 1440 Os
- Mountaguesmede 1423 MedOx 17th
- Stofordclose 1489 Corpus
- Stowfordclose 1517,45 Corpus
- Boteham t.Hy8 AugmOff
- hodelowe c.1230 Godstow c.1450
- lambeye c.1165 Godstow c.1450
- Lambeie c.1185 CartAntiq
- Oxlelese 1458–61 MedOx
- le Croft 1297 Os
- Snowdon 1297 Os
- Prestent 1139 Frid c.1425
- Presteit 1157–8 Frid c.1320
- Preoscoit c.1300 Frid c.1425
- Paris c.1220 StJohn 1246 Ch
- the xx acris 1192 Godstow c.1450
- Twentiakre c.1220 Os
- Kyndelwere 1371 Os
- the bisshopisheyte c.1270 Godstow c.1450
- Thoraldeshamme 1259 Os
- Gocesham 1195–8 Os 12th Os 1200–5 13th
- Halcwere, Halkewere 1225 Os
- Halkwere c.1230 Os
- Himereweye c.1240 Frid c.1425
- Middekorne c.1240 Frid c.1425
- Southannord c.1240 Frid c.1425
- Thoethamweye c.1240 Frid c.1425
- Trappenhole c.1230 Os
- Trippenhake c.1240 Frid c.1425
- Treppenhale c.1240 Frid c.1320
- Beneseye 1122 Frid c.1425
- Buneseia c.1123–4,1157–8,1203–6(allc.1320) Frid
- Buneseie 1140–1 Frid c.1425
- Bunseye 1244 Frid c.1425 Cl 1374
- Bunse 1374 Cl
- Bynesey 1428 FA
- Binsay 1480 Frid
- Bynsey 1507–8 Os
- Byndeshey 1517 DInc
- Byndesey 1537 Frid
- Thorneberg 1293 Cl
- Thornebury nunc autem Benseia c.1425–50 Frid
- Thornebury lande t.Hy8 Valor
- Couelea 1004 Frid t.Ed2 FA 1428
- Couel 1246 Ch
- Parva Couele 1247 S c.1280
- Chirchecouele c.1250 S c.1280 Cl 1328
- Chirchcouele 1278–9 RH
- Chirche Couele 1285 Ass
- Church Couele 1316 FA 1323 Cl
- Churchcovell 1307 Os
- Couleia 1140–1 Frid c.1425
- Cuueleia 1199 Frid c.1320
- Cuueleye 1230 P
- Cuuele 1241 FF
- Cuueley 1285 Ass
- Cuveley 1294 Cl
- Kofleya c.1220 Os
- Coflye 1220 Fees
- Cofleya 1237–8 StJohn
- Cofle 1242–3 Fees 1246 Ch
- Coflea 1278–9 RH
- Chouele 1271–2 StJohn
- Cohfleye c.1290 StJohn
- Church Cowley et Tempull Cowley 1509–10 Os
- Temple Couele c.1200 S c.1280 Ch 1324
- Templecouele 1278–9 RH
- Covele Temple 1285 Ass
- Templecouleya c.1300 Frid c.1425
- Temple Cowley 1519 AD
- aker stone 16th Corpus c.1630
- Awgar stone 1605 CorpusMap
- Nelesbrech c.1220 S c.1280
- Noelesbrech c.1240 S c.1280
- ells brech 16th Corpus c.1630
- Alesbreach 1605 CorpusMap
- Betwixt the towns 16th Corpus c.1630
- Broade Field 1605 CorpusMap
- Brooke furlong 1605 CorpusMap
- bullendone scladde 16th Corpus c.1630
- BerryeLane 1605 CorpusMap
- Catwell' c.1240 S c.1280
- Derefolde c.1210 S c.1280
- dorfold, litle dorefold 16th Corpus c.1630
- Upper and Lower Dervil 1853 EnclA
- Nether and Ouer Durford 1605 CorpusMap
- le Derhyde 1278–9 RH
- Derehyde 1311 BC
- Holweye c.1220 S c.1280
- Holewey c.1240 S c.1280
- Medecrofta c.1210 S c.1280
- Medecroft c.1220 S c.1280
- Medcroft c.1240 S c.1280
- madde croft 16th Corpus c.1630
- mylle wey 16th Corpus c.1630
- prestmare 16th Corpus c.1630
- Preste more, prestmore 1605 CorpusMap
- pyell 16th Corpus c.1630
- Pye hill 1605 CorpusMap
- Ridge field and furlong, old Ridges 1778 Bodl
- sare yate 16th Corpus c.1630
- Wodefeld' c.1240 S c.1280
- Woode Fielde 1605 CorpusMap
- Compass field 1778 Bodl
- -17th c.
- Pilehill 1752 Bodl
- Upper Barsfurlong 1778 Bodl
- Hevidlonde c.1220 S c.1280
- hatland 16th Corpus c.1630
- Puppelowe, Pippelewe c.1240–50 S c.1280
- pyplene ford 16th Corpus c.1630
- sydname 16th Corpus c.1630
- le Breche 1343 Corpus
- le Pyglesweyze 1385 Corpus
- Hallecroft c.1240–9 S c.1280
- Hanechulle c.1200 S c.1280
- Hedenandun' 1004 Frid t.Ed2
- Hedenandon' 1004 Frid t.Ric2
- Hedenandum 1004 Frid t.Hy5
- Hedenedonæ, Hedenedone 1004 Frid t.Ed2
- Hedintone 1086 DB 1366 Cl
- Hedendona 1140 OxonCh 1281 Fine
- Heddindona 1179 P 1366 Cl
- Hendend' 1143 OxonCh
- Hendindon' 1203 Cur
- Hetdred' 1143–7 OxonCh
- Hadindon' 1205 Cl
- Hadyndon 1401–2 FA
- Edindon' 1231 Cl
- Edendon' 1231 Ch
- Edinden' 1235–6 Fees
- Edindon 1362 Cl
- Hedingdona 1231 Bract
- Hedingdon' 1275–6,1278–9 RH
- Hedyngdone 1285 Ass
- Hedyngdon(e) 1311 BC c.1444
- Hedyngdon 1338 BC c.1444 Cl 1380
- Hedyngdoun 1387,93 Cl
- Hundingdona 1231 Bract
- Hededon' 1242 P
- Heyndone 1285 Ass
- Hedyngton 1330,75,83 Cl 1428 FA 1573 Frid
- Heddington 1510 AD
- Hetyndon 1358 Ipm
- Brockall(s) Fielde 1605 CorpusMap
- Brockholefeild 1709–10 Bodl
- Cley(e) Close 1605 CorpusMap
- Pullens Tree 1797 Davis
- Titup Hall 1797 Davis
- Ref ham c.1190–1200 Frid c.1425
- Refam 1278–9 RH
- (wid) hacelinges crofte 1004 Frid t.Ed2
- hechil a. 1300
- Godrichescroft 1199 Frid c.1320
- Gifetelea 1004 Frid t.Ed2
- Gyftelai 1156 Delisle 13th
- Givetelei 1086 DB
- Iuittelai 1165 P
- luetelai 1166 P 1254–5 RH
- Iuetalai c.1200 StJohn
- Yfteleia c.1189 Os 1298 Cl
- Iftel 1233 Cl
- Parua Yftele 1241 FF
- Iyftele 1254 FF
- parva Iftelee 1278–9 RH
- Yfhtele 1285 Ass
- Little Yftele 1290 Ipm
- Yiftele 1201 S c.1280 Cl 1389
- Yiftile 1383 Cl
- Yeftesle 1208 Pat
- Hiftele c.1210 S c.1280
- Hyftele c.1280 Corpus
- Iveclay 1213 Fine
- Hivetel' 1220 Fees
- Hiuetle 1221 Bract
- Ievetle 1220 Cur
- Ghyftele, Ghiftel' 1234 Cl
- Giftele c.1250 Frid c.1425
- Zesteley 1234 Frid c.1425
- Zeftele 1358 Frid c.1425
- Jestesl' 1235 Cl
- Jeftel' 1236 Cl
- Feteleg' 1236 Fees c.1300
- Yffellegh' 1240–1 Ass
- Iyftele 1254 FF
- parua Iyftely (bis), Iyftely 1320 Corpus
- Yflete 1284–5 FA
- Shefteley 1285 Ass
- Yefteley 1285 Ass 1428 FA
- Yeftley 1517 DInc
- Yeftley otherwise Iffley 1853 EnclA
- lakes 16th Corpus c.1630
- Lake leaes, Diche and Field 1605 Corpus
- Little Haye 1605 CorpusMap
- Hertesheued 1201 FF
- Hertesheved 1278–9 RH
- Ston furlong 1605 CorpusMap
- whitson Leaes 1605 CorpusMap
- Matteshey c.1240–9 S c.1280
- Vlfgarcote 1086 DB
- Wlgaricote c.1130 OxonCh 1389 Os
- Wlgarecot' 1240–1 Ass
- Wulvercot c.1185 CartAntiq
- Wulgaricot c.1185 CartAntiq
- Wulgarecot 1231 Cl
- Wolgarcote c.1220–30 Frid c.1425 Frid 1358 c.1425
- Wulgoricot 1232 Cl
- Wlgorescote 1233 FF
- Volgacote c.1250–60 Frid c.1425
- Wolgericote 1268–81 Eynsh 1285 Ass
- Woxercote 1285 Ass
- Wolgercot(e) 1285 Ass
- Wolgaricote 1285 Ass 1339 Cl
- Wollvercote, Woolvercote 1675 Ogilby
- Woolvercot 1761 Rocque 1822 O.S.
- Blindewell close 1710 Bodl
- the Hurst, the Moor 1710 Bodl
- Hawslondisch 1358 Frid c.1425
- Cwisdelowe 1358 Frid c.1425
- Boyham c.1165 Godstow c.1450
- Heryngesham c.1165 Godstow c.1450
- licheseyt, lichesham c.1165 Godstow c.1450
'Oxen ford,' OE oxena ford : this etymology is given c. 1150 by Florence of Worcester. The name occurs also in Surrey (PN Sr 216–17), and can be compared with such names as Rutherford (PN D 303), Stafford (PN Sx 208) and Sturford (PN W 153). Oxonia was presumably felt to be a more elegant Latinisation of the name than *Oxenia : cf. Exonia , the Latinisation of Exeter.