Burgh by Sands
Major Settlement in the Parish of Burgh by Sands
Historical Forms
- (parochia de) Burgo c.1160 Weth
- super, juxta Sablones 1279 Ass
- Burch c.1180 Laner
- Burg 1183 Pap 1402
- Bure 1185 P
- Burgo juxta Karl c.1200 Laner
- Burg en le Sandes 1292 Ass
- Burgum super Sabulones 1307 Cl
- Burgh yn the Sand c.1540 Leland
- Burgh c.1220 StB
- super le Sablunes 1271 Ipm
- juxta Sablones 1278 Ass
- iuxta Sablōes early14th GoughMap
- of the Sandes 1340 Pat
- By the Sandes 1356 FF
- del Sandes 1408 IpmR
- yn the sand c.1540 Leland
- Burghbysande 1541 MinAcct
- Borough by Sandes 1467 Pat
- Brough 1574 FF
- Browgh super Sabilones t.Jas1 Norfolk
- by Sandes 1623 PR(Greystoke)
- Brough al. Burgh 1682 Norfolk
- Brught 1566 Orton
- Brough bye Sands 1659 CantWviii
Doubtless so named from the burh or fort on Hadrian's Wall which ended here. In view of the variant additions it is worthy of note that a defendant in 1292 (Ass ) said “predicta villa de Burgo vocatur Burg' super Sandes et non iuxta Sandes.” For the Romano-British name (Aballava) see Appendix.