Shooter's Hill
Other OS name in the Parish of Pangbourne
Historical Forms
- Shoters Hill 1548 LRMB
- Shooters Hill 1667 PubLib(Clayton) 1761 Rocque 1839 TA
, Shoters Hill 1548LRMB , Shooters Hill 1667PubLib (Clayton ),1761 Rocque, 1839TA , v. scēotere , the same name occurs in K , Nth , Wa .
Places in the same Parish
Other OS name
- Alder Copse
- Bottingham Shaw
- Franklin's Copse, Lower Franklin's Copse
- Mount Copse
- Turner's Close Plantation
- Wakeman's Copse
- Walk Copse
- Wellfield Wd, Wellfield Grove
- West End
- William's Heath Plantation
- Winloed
- Bare Leys
- Barnard's Copse
- Bartholomew's Bottom Plantation
- Bartholomew's Copse
- Great Bear, Little Bear, Bere Park
- Berry's Copse
- Blenheim Barn
- Bowram's Shaw
- Broadfield's Plantation
- Broomclose Plantation
- Broomhill Plantation, Little Broom Plantation
- Clayesmore School
- Coleridge Lane
- Collier's Plantation
- Courtlands, Courtlands Hill
- Darklane
- Darklane Copse
- Flobrigham's Copse
- Flowers Fm, Flowers Hill
- Fuller's Copse
- Greenhill Plantation
- Hanging Ground Plantation
- Herridge Copse
- Highgrove Wd
- Hoarecroft Shaw
- Hogmoor Copse
- West Inhams Plantation
- Jesmond Hill
- Maidenhatch Fm, Maidenhatch Brook
- Marsh Fm
- Moor Copse, Further Moor Copse
- New Town
- Northridge Bottom Plantation, Northridgehill Copse, Northridgehill Shaw
- Great Otwell's Plantation
- Peatmoor Copse
- Rundellsfield Plantation
- Sawyer's Copse
- Sheep Croft Plantation
- Southway Plantation
- Stile Acre Shaw
- Thames View