Breach Ho, Breach Fm
Other OS name in the Parish of Cholsey
Historical Forms
- The Breche 1550 RentSur
, The Breche 1550RentSur , v. brēc .
Places in the same Parish
Early-attested site
Other OS name
- Abbey Barn
- Baker's Fm
- Blackall's Fm
- Bow Barn, Bowbarn Cottages, Bow Bridge
- Bradford's Brook
- Brentford Tailor Inn
- Cardynham
- Causeway Fm
- Chequers Inn
- Cholsey Downs
- Cholsey Hill
- Cholsey Fm
- Claps Lane
- Cranford Ho
- Cwichelm
- Downs Fm
- The Elms
- Halfpenny Lane
- The Hazels
- Heathercroft Fm, Old Heathercroft Fm
- Hiawatha
- Hillgreen Fm, Hillgreen Ponds
- Holiday's Fm
- Honey Lane, Honeylane Fm
- Kentwood Fm
- Kingstanding Hill
- La Haye
- Lollingdon Copse, Lollingdon Hill
- Manor Fm
- Mill Court
- Nag's Head P.H.
- Offland Fm
- Old Butts
- Pancroft Fm
- Papist Way
- Pound Fm
- Rectory
- Red Lion P.H.
- Sheephouse Barn
- Star Inn, Star Terrace
- The Thatched House
- Unhill Bottom, North Unhill Bank, South Unhill Bank
- Union Cottages
- West End
- Westfield Nursery
- White Cross