English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Cottles Ho

Early-attested site in the Parish of Atworth

Historical Forms

  • Atteworth 1278 FF
  • Attelworth Parva (sic) 1298 Sarum
  • Atteworth Cotell 1402 FA
  • Cotelys 1412 ib
  • Cotelatteword 1428 ib
  • Cotelles 1458 Trop
  • Attewarde Parva alias dict' Cotels Atteward 1460 ib
  • Cuttels Atteward 1503 Ipm
  • Cottles al. Cottles Attford 1718 Recov


Cottles Ho is Atteworth 1278FF , Attelworth Parva (sic)1298 Sarum, Atteworth Cotell 1402 FA, Cotelys 1412 ib., Cotelatteword 1428 ib., Cotelles 1458 Trop, Attewarde Parva alias dict ' Cotels Atteward 1460 ib., Cuttels Atteward 1503 Ipm, Cottles al. Cottles Attford 1718Recov . This represents the old manor of Little Atworth, held by the family of Cotel . Cf. Richard Cotel (1242 Fees), John de Cotele , Richard Cotele (1278 Trop), Richard Cotel (e ) (1278FF , 1298 Sarum).