English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.

Temple Sowerby

Major Settlement in the Parish of Kirkby Thore

Historical Forms

  • Saureby Hy2 Weth 1185–99 Lowth 1220–30 Weth
  • (Tempel Saureby) 1292 Ass 29, QW
  • Sourebi(a), Soureby 1177–1179 Pipe 1179,c.1200 HolmC 1200–10 Crk37 1265 Cl 1400 Pat
  • Temple-, Tempel-, Tempil- 1279 Ass20d 1291 Weth 1327 Ipm 1344 Pat 1415 NWm
  • Sourby 1377 TestKarl
  • Temple Sourby, Tempel Sourby 1330,1345 Ipm
  • Temple Sowerbie, Temple Sowerby 1605 FF 1617 NWm 1654 PR(Clb) 1777 M


'Farmstead on sour land', v. saurr , , cf. Brough Sowerby (ii, 69supra ), from which it is distinguished as Temple - (v. tempel ), because it was originally owned by the Knights Templars till their dissolution in 1312, being afterwards transferred to the Knights Hospitallers (1177–9 Pipe 163–6, 1292 QW 786, 1327 Ipm 41, cf. also Weth 320n, NB 382).