English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Wales

Historical Forms

  • Waliswod(e), Walyswod(e) 13 YDviii,xii,100 14 1410 1420 YI 1532 FF 1546 YChant
  • Waleswude 1238 FF
  • Waleswod(e) 1246 Ass22 1387 YDxii,98 1410 YI 1528 WillY
  • Wallswood 1451 FA
  • Walesewode 1546 YChant


Waleswood, Waliswod (e ), Walyswod (e )13 YD viii, xii, 100, 14 ib xvi, 87, 1410 ib xii, 252, 1420 YI, 1532 FF, 1546 YChant, Waleswude 1238 FF, Waleswod (e )1246Ass 22(p), 1387 YD xii, 98, 1410 YI, 1528 WillY, Wallswood 1451 FA, Walesewode 1546 YChant. 'The wood belonging to Wales (supra )', v. wudu .