English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Conisbrough

Historical Forms

  • Butterbusc, Butterbusk(e) 1194–9 YChviii 1368 MinAcct 1379 PT 1545 FF 1822 Langd
  • Buttirbuske 1379 PT
  • Boterboske 1534 YDi
  • Butterbuskes 1655 WillS
  • Butterbush 1764 Glebe


Butterbusk, Butterbusc , Butterbusk (e )1194–9 YCh viii, 1368MinAcct 88, 1379 PT (p), 1545 FFet freq to 1822 Langd, Buttirbuske 1379 PT (p), Boterboske 1534 YD i, Butterbuskes 1655 WillS, Butterbush 1764Glebe .'Butter bush', v. buttere , buskr . The significance is not clear, but the likeliest explanations are 'a bush on rich pasture land producing much butter' (as in Buttermere Cu) or 'a bush at which butter is sold' (cf. Butter Cross); Butterbusk is near the highest point on the road between Conisbrough and Doncaster. The rare ON  bútr 'log, stump' is improbable phonologically. v. Addenda.