Major Settlement in the Parish of Braithwell
Historical Forms
- Bradeuuelle 1086 DB
- Bradewell(e) 12 Lewes25d 1164–81,l.12,1200–10 YChviii 1271 Lewes292d 1300 Ebor 1324 Lewes299d
- Bradwelle 1147,1173–81 YChviii
- Breithwell(e), Braith(e)well(e), Brayth(e)well(e) 1196–1201 YChviii 1199 Ch 1232 Nost141d 13 Ebor 1242 FF 1301 Ass 1272 Testii 1280 1446
- Braydwelle, Braid(e)welle e.13 RegAlbii,64b 13 Lewes293 Hy3 BM
- Brathewell 1222 Cur 1288 Ebor 1343 Ass6d 1375 YDxiv,89 1409,1441 DiocV 1469 Pat
- Brathwell 1415 Fabr 1531 Testiv
- Braytewell 1246 Ass43d 1247 Ebor
- Braiwell, Braywell 1415 BM 1537,1574 FF
- Breathwell 1559 WillY
- Brewell 1607 FF
'Broad well or stream', v. brād , wella . Brade - was eventually replaced by the cognate ON breiðr; the spellings in Brayd - and Brathe - represent a confusion of the OE and ON forms (cf. also Phonol. §§ 11, 40).
Places in the same Parish
Early-attested site
Other OS name
- Birchwood Closes
- Cockhill
- Cownhill Lane
- Fordoles
- Greaves Sike
- Haids Closes
- Holy Well
- Hoyle Croft Lane
- Long Leys Lane
- Marsh Hill
- Mere Flats Holt
- Moat Hall
- Moor Lane
- Poggy Lane
- Priest's Bridge
- Silverthorpe
- Western Well
- Balk Lane
- Bramley Grange
- Bramley Lings
- Brook Lane
- Cum Well
- Fish Ponds
- Flash Lane
- King's Pond Plant
- Lidget Lane
- Red Houses
- Sandy Lane
- Slacks Fm
- Wellcliff Ho