Early-attested site in the Parish of Barnburgh
Historical Forms
- Herlatona 1147–53 Nost57,57d
- Herlinton c.1150 Nost57
- Herlington(a), Herlyngton(a) 1154–9 YChviii 1191 P l.12,1208–37 Nost58–9 1260 FF 1280 Ch 1418 YI
- Herligtun' 1215 ChR
- Harlington, Harlyngton 1418 YI 1495 FF 1604 et freq
'Herela's farmstead', v. -ing-, tūn . On the OE pers.n. Herela , Herele , not independently recorded in English, v. Harlington Bd 124, Harlsey YN 213, and How Hill (Markington) pt. v infra .