English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Aston cum Aughton

Historical Forms

  • Canuntorp' super Roder 1164–81 YCh1480
  • Caunpthorp (sic) 1316 YDviii
  • Kauenthorp 1335 YDxii,98
  • Fawkeners als. Canonthorpe 1553 FF
  • Canonthorp(e) 1582,1584 FF
  • Caunethorpe Woode 1587 YDxii,98
  • Thorpe 1771 M


Canonthorpe (lost), Canuntorp ' super Roder 1164–81 YCh 1480, Caunpthorp (sic)1316 YD viii, Kauenthorp 1335 YD xii, 98, Fawkeners als. Canonthorpe 1553 FF, Canonthorp (e )1582, 1584 FF, Caunethorpe Woode 1587 YD xii, 98, Thorpe 1771 M. 'Outlying farmstead belonging to the canons (of Nostell Priory)', v. canoun , þorp . The place was given to the canons of Nostell by Robert de Eston (Hnt ii, 171), and confirmed c. 1164–81 by the Archbishop of York (YCh 1480). The name has been replaced by Falconer House infra (cf. also HntS iv, 359). It was near the R. Rother.