English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Arksey

Historical Forms

  • Stochebrige 1166 P
  • Stocbrig(g)' 1246 Ass10d 1247 YI
  • Stokbrig(g), Stokbryg(g) 1342 FF 1379 PT 1412 BM 1416 YDvi 1490 Linds
  • Stockbrig(e), Stockbrigg 1590 WillY 1597 FF
  • Stockbridge 1602 FF 1822 Langd


Stockbridge, Stochebrige 1166 P (p), Stocbrig (g )'1246Ass 10d, 1247 YI (p), Stokbrig (g ), Stokbryg (g )1342 FF, 1379 PT (p), 1412 BM, 1416 YD vi, 1490 Linds, Stockbrig (e ), Stockbrigg 1590 WillY, 1597 FF et freq , Stockbridge 1602 FFet passim to 1822 Langd. 'Bridge made of logs', v. stocc , brycg , a common type of minor p.n.