Early-attested site in the Parish of Putney
Historical Forms
- Est Hampton 1318 FF
- Esthampton 1332 SR
- Hampton(e) 1332 SR 1382 Ass
- Hamton' 1350 SR
- Rokehampton 1350,1387 FF 1782 Ass 1461 WimbCt 1505 FF 1538,1541 LP 1548 LRMB 1605 FF
- Roughampton 1564 WimbCt
- Roughamton 1569 Musters
- Roughhampton 1581 SACxviii
- Rowhampton 1553 WimbCt
- Rowhamton 1610 Speed
- Rokehampton al. Roughampton 1639 Recov
- Rouhampton 1645 Belv
- Roehampton 1645 SACxxxvii
This name was apparently at first simply Hampton (v. hamtun ).Later the element Roke , presumably ME roke , 'rook,' was added, possibly to distinguish the place from Hampton (Mx), not far distant. It is to the east of that place. Later, folk-etymology has been at work.