Hampton Gay
Major Settlement in the Parish of Hampton Gay and Poyle
Historical Forms
- Hantone 1086 DB
- Hantuna c.1170 AddCh
- Hantona c.1170 Os c.1198
- Hantone Gai 1220–2 Os
- Gaites Hantun 1254–5 RH
- Hanton Gay 1320 Ch
- Hamtona Gaitorum c.1130 OxonCh 1186–91 Os
- Hamtona a.1173 OxonCh 1203 Cur
- Hamtune Gaitorum c.1185 Os
- Gaithamtone c.1195 Os
- Geithamton 1203 NRSv
- Hamtone la Gay, Hamtona la Gayt c.1215 Os
- Hamton' Gay 1242–3 Fees
- Hamton Gay 1300 Ipm
- Amtune a.1173 Os c.1198
- Hemptone Gaytorum c.1185 Os c.1198 Os late13th
- Hemptone 1189(late13th),c.1225,c.1235 Os
- Hemptona Gayt c.1225 Os
- Hempton Gey 1314 Ipm
- Hamptone la Gai c.1195 Os
- Geiteshamptone c.1200 Os
- Hamptone la Gait c.1205 Os
- Gaithamptone c.1210 Os
- Hampton le Gayt 1222 FF
- Hamptone Gayt c.1235 Os
- Hampton' Gay 1242–3 Fees 1275–6 RH 1284–5 FA 1297 CornAcc
- Hampton Gaye 1268 Ch
- Hampton' et altera Hampton' 1268 Ass
- Geyhamptone ad pontem 1285 Ass
- parva Hamptone early14th Os
- Hamptone Gay 1320 Os
- Hamptone cum Northbroc Gaytorum 1389 Os
- Ampton Gaye 1263 Ipm