Major Settlement in the Parish of Laxton
Historical Forms
- Lastone 1086 DB
- Laxton(a) 1166 P
- Laxeton(a) 1131 P 1198 Fees 1275 FF
- Laxinton(a) 12th Survey 1222 Bracton
- Lextone 1226 WellsR
- Lexitone 1231 WellsR
- Laxon al. Laxton 1723 Recov
Lax is a Scandinavian nickname from lax , 'salmon,' and this p.n. may be for Laxestun , hence 'Lax 's farm,' v. tun . For Laxintone cf. note on Geddington supra 166. Dr Smith notes the parallels of Laxton (Nt)Laxintune DB, Laxton 1291 Tax and Laxton (ERY), Laxinton DB, Laxton 1285 FA.