Major Settlement in the Parish of Geddington
Historical Forms
- Geitenton(e) 1086 DB 1356 Cl
- Geytington 12th Survey 1252 Seld13 1287 Cl 1337 Ipm
- Geitington 1247 Ass 1356 Cl
- Geityngton 1296 Cl
- Gadinton(e) 1086 DB 1195 Abbr
- Gadintona 1131 P
- Gadenton t.Hy2 Ch 1324
- Geintendone 1154 RBE
- Geintinton 1235 Ch
- Geyntinton 1225 Bracton
- Gaitintun(e) 1156 P 1316 Ch
- Gaytington(am) 1189 France t.Ric1 Pat 1389
- Gaytingeton t.Ric1 Ch 1252
- Gat(t)inton 1158,1162 P 1202 Cur 1204 PatR c.1220 ADii
- Gatyngton 1354 Cl
- Gainton 1174 P(CR)
- Geinton 1241 ib
- Geynton 1244 Cl
- Gaidintun', Gaidinton 1189 Ch 1371 P 1196 Ch t.Ric1 1318
- Gaydinton 1214 ClR
- Getintuna t.Ric1 Ch 1318
- Getinton 1199 FF 1204 PatR
- Getyngdon 1339 Cl
- Gedyngton 1397 ib
- Geidinton 1204 ClR 1227 FF
- Geidyngton 1376,1397 Cl
This name is a hybrid compound of the OWScand pers. name Geiti , ODan Geti , and the English ingtun. The circumstances under which such compounds could arise must for the present be left open. (Cf. Lindkvist 54 and Zachrisson, English PN 's in -ing of Scandinavian Origin 115.)