Major Settlement in the Parish of Apethorpe
Historical Forms
- Patorp 1086 DB
- Apetorp 1162 P
- Apeltorp 1166 P
- Appelthorp 1222 ClR
- Ap(p)eltrop 1294 Ass
- Appetorp 1166 P(CR) 1442 FF
- Abbetoft 1250 Fees
- Apthorp 1281 Fine 1326 Cl
The first element is probably the ODan , OSw pers. name Api (cf. Nielsen 5, ZEN 13), hence 'Api 's village,' v. þorp . There is an Apperup in Denmark. Cf. also Abterp (Sønderjyske Stednavne 408). Some forms have been influenced by the common word apple .