Major Settlement in the Parish of Whorlton
Historical Forms
- Wirveltun(e) 1086 DB
- Weruelthun, Weruelton 1189–99 YCh 1294 Ebor
- Qwerlton 1198 Fount
- Wheruelton 1202 FF
- Wherfletun, Wherfelton 1259 Ass
- Werleton 1279–81 QW
- Wherleton 1299 YI 1323 Abbr 1354 FF
- Werelton 1301 LS
- Warleton 1285 KI 16
- Whorl(e)ton 1399 Test 1412 YI 1470 Test 1575 FF
'Farm near the Whorl Hill.' No early spellings are adduced for Whorl Hill, but there is no doubt that whorl is from OE hwyrfel or ON hvirfill. The Whorl Hill is a high hill with a rounded top. Cf. Whorlton (PN NbDu 215).