English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Terrington

Historical Forms

  • Teurintone, Teurin(c)tun(e) 1086 DB
  • Thiverinton 1202 FF
  • Tiverington, Tyverington 1226 FF 1261,1275 YI 1287 Ebor 1288 YI 1301 LS 1302 Ch 1316 Vill 1367 FF
  • Tyuerinton 1233 Ebor 1244 Ass
  • Teverington 1275 Fine
  • Tyrrington 1316 KF Eliz YChant 1536
  • Teryngton 1495,1496 Test 1545


The first element of this name is doubtful, but it is a personal name, and certain other place-names should be taken into account: Teversham (C), Teuresha '1086 DB, Teversall (Nt), Teureshalt 1086 DB, 1204 FF, Tiueresheult , Tyversalt 1297 Ebor, and Tyersall (YWR), Tyversolde 1280 Ebor, Teversholte 1535 VE. There is in each case variation between forms with Tev - and Tiv -. Tev - forms are always earlier than Tiv - except in Tyersall where none of the forms are really early. The name then probably goes back to an earlier Tefringtun , and e became i before the following labio-dental f .

There is an OE (Anglian) pers. name Teoful (v. Bede, ed. Plummer ii. 391) which suggests a name-theme T of . There may well have been an r -derivative of this theme (cf. Pickering 85infra ), and a name Teofer would explain all the above names which, it may be noted, are confined to Anglian territory.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Major Settlement