English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Oswaldkirk

Historical Forms

  • Oswaldescherca 1086 DB
  • Villa tota de Sō Oswaldo 1167 P
  • Oswaldkirke c.1170 Riev
  • Chirchos(e)wald, Ki(e)rkos(e)wald 1201 ChR 1214 Abbr 1239 RegAlbiii.34
  • Oswoldchurch 1613 NR


'The church dedicated to Saint Oswald' v. kirkja and cf. Felixkirk and Romaldkirk 199, 309infra . On the form Kirkoswald v. Introduction xxvi. The St Oswald referred to in this place- name is probably the well-known Archbishop of York, who was regarded as a saint in OE times (cf. Saints: “þonne resteð sanctus Oswaldus arcebiscop on Wigeraceastre”) and whose name is found in the dedication of Worcester Cathedral. This identification of St Oswald in the place-name is supported by the fact that part of the land of Oswaldkirk was held by the Archbishops of York.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site