Early-attested site in the Parish of Dalby
Historical Forms
- Scoxebi 1086 DB
- Stoggesbi (sic) 1167 P
- Scog(h)esby 13 RegAlbii.47d 1328 Banco
- Scousby 1226 FF
- Schouseby, Shouesby 1295 YI
- Scouesby, Skouesby 1299,1310 YD 1354 FF
- Scoseby 1301 LS
- Scewysbye 1316 KF Eliz
- Skuesby 1408 YI 1611 NR
- Skewsby 1666 Visit
Skewsby is identical in form with the Swedish place-names Skogsby and Skogby (Hellquist, Svenska ON på -by , 13), and all three may mean 'farm in the wood' v. skogr , by . The gen. form of the first element is a type frequently met with in Scandinavian place-names, e.g. Swed Brunnsby by the side of Brunnby , Högsby by Högby , etc. (op. cit. passim ). The normal gen. sing. of ON skógr , was skógar , but a gen. in -s is often found in OSwed and in OIcel poetry.
It is at least equally possible that the first element is the ON by-name Skógr , gen. Skógs (LindBN).