English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Brafferton

Historical Forms

  • Helperby 972 BCS1278 11th HCY 1177
  • æt heolperbi 972 BCS1279 11th
  • (H)ilprebi 1086 DB
  • Helprebi, Helpreby 1086 DB 1109–19 RegAlbi.68d 1166 P 1202 FF
  • Helparby 1576 FF


'Hjalp's farm' v. by . The ON  woman's name Hjálp , gen. Hjálpar (LindN) is also found in Helperthorpe (YER), Elpetorp 1086 DB, Helprethorp 1109–19RegAlb i. 69. Cf. Norw  Jerberg (Hiolperbergh ) and ONorw  Hialparsteinn (NG i. 98). The inflexional -er and the presence of a woman's name in a by - compound are noteworthy.

Places in the same Parish

Early-attested site

Major Settlement