English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Major Settlement in the Parish of Medmenham

Historical Forms

  • Medmeham 1086 DB 1198 Cur c.1218 WellsL 1223 WellsL 1237–40 Fees
  • Medindeha, Meddemeha 1195 Cur(P)
  • Medemeha 1195 Cur(P)
  • Medemeham 1200 Fines
  • Mendham 1201 CartAnti28
  • Medmenham 1284 1287 Ipm 1358 ADiii
  • Medmyngham 1344 Cl
  • Mednam 1643 Desb
  • Medmenham vulgo Mednam 1797 ib


The first element in this name is the adj. medeme 'moderate- sized,' 'small,' the second element is probably ham , the full form of the name being medemanhāme (dat.). That the element medeme could form part of a word of topographical significance is shown by the use of the term medemung in BCS 788. The exact meaning of this term is unknown but it would seem to be one of the p.n. in-ing or-ung (sg.) discussed by Ekwall, PN-ing i-26. We have the same adj. in Medemenige (BCS 64), Medmeney near Selsey (Sx) now misprinted in the i-in. Pop. ed. of the O.S. map as Medmerry .

Places in the same Parish