English Place-name Society

Survey of English Place-Names

A county-by-county guide to the linguistic origins of England’s place-names – a project of the English Place-Name Society, founded 1923.


Early-attested site in the Parish of Wootton


Æþeleahingwudu (lost). This place is mentioned together with Colmanora (infra ) and Geatescumb (Yatscombe 460) in a statement at the end of the bounds attached to BCS 906, which says that the three places belong to the 20–hide estate which is the property of Abingdon, v. Pt 3 for these bounds. Æþeleahingwudu means 'wood associated with Æðelhēah', v. ing , wudu . The author of ClaudiusCix has turned this statement from the OE bounds into Latin near the beginning of his chronicle, his version (Abingdon 1, 8 n.) reading 'Silua quae uocatur Ædeleahing et alia colmonora et geatescum.pertinent his. xx. hidis'. This has led to the name being treated as a singular formation in -ing (PN -ing 194, Elements 1288), but it is probably a compound of the pers.n. Æðelhēah and wudu , joined by a connective -ing -. R. E. Zachrisson, English Place -Names Puzzles , Uppsala 1932, p. 14, noted that it was not an uncompounded -ing name, but it has continued to be cited as such.